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O N TH E C OVE R S E E IT I N For more than a year and a half, the team at Digital Domain has had countless senior moments, breaking new ground to create the realistic digital human starring in the fi rst 50-plus minutes of the fi lm The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, pg. 8. • High defi nition and audio for indie fi lms. • Benjamin Button's post workfl ow. • Director Steven Soderbergh discusses the fi lm Che. • Visual effects in commercials. Features What's Old Is New Again 8 Digital Domain reaches a milestone in computer graphics, creating an emotional performance by a realistic digital human in a lead feature-fi lm role for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. By Barbara Robertson Bold Camera, Subtle Animation, Tactile World 18 What happens when the typical animation process is turned upside down? You get Despereaux, a computer-generated fairy tale with stunning epic environments and detailed characters both big and small. By Barbara Robertson Dancing with the Ghosts in the Machine 26 Advances in computer graphics technology has helped shape and expand 3D virtual worlds, where people assume unique identities and explore unusual cyber lands while they socialize with others. By Kathleen Maher Alter Ego 32 Filmmakers fi nd ways to capture CG in-game sequences and integrate them into scenes within a live-action documentary. By Karen Moltenbrey Autodesk Builds Out and In 36 At this year's annual Autodesk University, users of the company's growing product lines, particularly in the CAD and manufacturing sectors, keep up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies. By Kathleen Maher COVER STORY January 2009 1 January 2009 • Volume 32 • Number 1 I n n o v a t i o n s i n v i s u a l c o m p u t i n g f o r t h e g l o b a l D C C c o m m u n i t y 32 Departments Editor's Note Living a Virtual Existence 2 Massively multiplayer online role-playing games, or MMORPGs, are gaining in popularity, leading players of these online games to live double lives—real and virtual. Why are they so popular, and where do people fi nd the time? Spotlight 4 Products Nvidia's Quadro FX 5800, 4800, and Quadro Plex 2200 S4. SGI's VUE. Vicon's T10 camera. Organic Motion's LitePod. Xsens's Moven successor. AMD's Shanghai. Portfolio 40 The Art of the Game: Artwork from Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy game. Knowledge & Career 42 The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and outlook that recruiters face during the year ahead. Back Products 48 Recent software and hardware releases. 18 8 26

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