Blue and Gold Illustrated

Sept. 9, 2013 Issue

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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Page 26 of 104

3. Eight Men In? Notre Dame conceivably could rotate eight players, maybe even nine, at re‑ ceiver, according to Fight‑ ing Irish wideouts coach Mike Denbrock. Senior TJ Jones and ju‑ nior DaVaris Daniels are on their own level, but after that it's a free-for-all. Sophomore Chris Brown and freshman William Fuller are the top speed merchants, senior Daniel Smith and freshman James Onwualu pro‑ vide more of a physical presence, 6-4¼ freshman Corey Robin‑ son is the most dangerous fade or "jump ball" option … "It really depends on what part of the game it is, what type of mode we're in offen‑ sively," said Denbrock on who to play. "We're going to roll a lot of personnel in and out of the game. I could see us playing as many as eight or nine guys during the year. "It's going to be by com‑ mittee for the most part. They all have certain quali‑ ties about them that they do very well, and we're go‑ ing to try to utilize those the best we can." 4. Safeties In Number Alsoestablishing itself as one of the deeper units is safety — despite the Speedy sophomore Chris Brown is among the eight or nine players who could see action at wide receiver for the Irish this fall. photo by bill panzica

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