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4 GUESTLIST Issue 57 / 2013 BIG NIGHTS OUT INDIE HIP HOP The Pixies @ the Hammersmith Apollo 4our Pillars at The Underdog Gallery 24th November 23rd November One of the most influential bands of the early 90s, the Pixies this year released single Bagboy, their first material for nearly a decade. Often credited as the band that started the 90s alt-rock explosion, see the group that changed guitar music history play at the Hammersmith Apollo on Sunday 24th November. Expect this to be the biggest Hip Hop night in November! Hosted by Big Ted, with live performances from Black Twang, Jehst, Mystro, Kamanchi Sly, MCM (Caveman), Phoenix Da Icefire and many more. DJ's on the night feature world-renowned and Mobo Award winner DJ Sarah Love, The backbone of British Hip Hop DJ Big Ted, DJ Miss C Brown, DJ Biznizz and DJ Mada. This is no ordinary night, expect to be entertained by B-Boys, and wowed by the work of talented Graffiti artist Kevin Astek, who will not only be painting the walls of the gallery, but will also be displaying some of his work! Tickets are 10 pounds, Check the FB. DNB Xtreme Drum n Basss @ Rise Super club 29th November To all you drum n bass crew there's an official launch party for the brand new Album 'Xtreme DnB'. So, don't miss out on the return of great music back in the heart of London. HOUSE REGGAE SPECIAL Just For You @ Village Underground Reggae Roast @ House of Fun Weekender 2013 29th November 23rd November Black Atlantic, in conjunction with Hinge Finger, present the fourth in Joy Orbison's ever evolving "Just For You" series. This time around JO heads a bill featuring sets from Soul Capsule and Jon K. With their minimalist aesthetic and only a handful of releases over the last decade or so, Soul Capsule (aka Thomas Melchior and Baby Ford) reinforce the notion of quality over quantity. Spread across both Germany and the UK, the duo very rarely play together, making this an event you wouldn't want to miss. Come and join reggae roast at 'The House of fun Weekender' they will be playing the best of Reggae with the classics and ensuring you good ol' vibes from Jamaica down to Butlins. Bugged Out XIX Birthday: Maya Jane Coles, Heidi, Miss Kittin, Blond:Ish @ Fire 23rd November Bugged Out enters its twentieth year celebrating their 19th birthday on November 23rd with a multi-room extravaganza at Fire. The show is headlined by Maya Jane Coles who burst on to the house scene in 2010 with flame orange hair and a unique vision fully realised in her debut album 'Comfort' this summer. Heidi joined us at Bugged Out this time last year and played one of the best sets of 2012, with her Jackathon nights and releases she curates and pulls together the true spirits of house and techno always with an eye on the party and her hands never too far from a Prince record. YOUR HOROSCOPE Aquarius Pisces Jan 21 - Feb 19 Feb 20 - Mar 20 There's a lot going on with you this month, take a step back to look at your life showing special attention to your personal attributes. Leo You're coming into your own this month so make sure you take advantage of all the new things coming your way. Virgo Jul 24 - Aug 23 Aug 24 - Sep 23 This month's pretty quiet for you Leo's but don't be fooled for it's building momentum for future months. You're quite good at blagging your way through life at the moment. Try not to get too carried away and forget your social graces. You look lovely today, by the way. Aries Taurus Gemini Mar 21 - Apr 20 Apr 21 - May 21 Pay special attention to your spending this month as carelessness in past months may mean scrimping this month. Save money. Problems that you have previously ignored may come to a head this month so make sure you face them head on. Stop smoking. This month it's to get organised motivated as past you've ignored may back to haunt you. writes this stuff ? Cancer May 22 - Jun 22 Libra Scorpio Jun 23 - Jul 23 time and stuff come Who Sagittarius Good things are coming your way this month so make sure the path is clear. Capricorn Sep 24 - Oct 23 Oct 24 - Nov 22 Nov 23 - Dec 21 Dec 22 - Jan 20 You're so elegant and tasteful this month that you're showing up the rest of us. Get as drunk as possible this month, just because you can. Don't drive. You will never excel at sports because you have to rest every fifteen minutes. It's okay though - your strength is in your thinking this month. One minute you're up, one minute you're down. Try not to be so overbearing this month because last month you scared us all. What's love got to do with it? Turns out, quite a lot. Be sure to make that extra effort with your special someone. @ GUESTLISTDOTNET / SEARCH YOUTUBE FOR GNTV