The Wolverine

March 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  WOMEN'S TENNIS PROFILE When Kristen Dodge, a junior on the Michigan women's tennis team, was a freshman, she got to know then-sophomore Brooke Bolender and was immediately inspired by the way she fought for her teammates. Bolender, a three-time first-team All-Big Ten selection, was the team's leader last year. She and Dodge are sharing the role now, after the Wol- verines voted to make the two cap- tains for the 2014 season. "It was such an honor," Dodge said. "I was so excited, especially be- cause it was voted on by my team- mates. Now, I am more focused on the team as a whole being brought up together and being a connector. "I am focused on team roles and making sure everyone is doing what they are intended to do, as well as taking a more vocal role. I try to be as encouraging as I can and pump people up whenever I can. I want to be more of a voice within the team." Dodge, who is roommates with Bo- lender, has made it her goal to be as good of a team leader as Bolender. "Whenever there was any sort of issue or problem, everyone would go to her first, and I thought that was very cool," Dodge said. "She was al- ways pumping people up and work- ing as hard as she could. She fights for our team as much as she can. "I have always wanted to play a leadership role like she does. It was always my goal to be how Brooke was." The two host team get-togethers in their apartment, bringing everyone together to watch a movie or a new episode of "The Bachelor." Dodge's goal is to build team unity through bonding. "From when Kristen came in here as a freshman to now, she has done Kristen Dodge Is Excited To Lead Dodge, a junior who was voted a team cap- tain this year, began this season by winning 13 of her first 20 singles matches. PHOTO COURTESY MICHIGAN ATHLETIC MEDIA RELATIONS

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