SXSWedu - 2015

SXSWedu 2014 Program Guide

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80 SXSWedu 2014 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DIY, MAKER & HACKER Technology: Forget the Stuff, What Are We Making? Hilton Salon A | Core Conversation We have to think differently about classroom technology. The "stuff" that everyone has—the computers and printers and cables and whatnot—is the normal price of doing business in the 21st century, but how can we ensure that technology is being deployed thoughtfully and deliberately in the classroom in order to maximize student engagement? Basil Kolani, The Dwight School, Christopher Tine, Macmillan Science & Education #notstuff 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM HigherEdNext Series hosted by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Search for Margin in a MOOC World Hilton Salon H | Panel Discussion MOOCs have captured everyone's attention, but scaled online learning approaches of all kinds must demonstrate a sustainable business model if they are to have a robust future. How might these new delivery approaches achieve sustainability over time? What existing business models can provide insights? Come learn from these industry experts and innovators who have created, invested in and researched nontraditional approaches, moving them from concept to product to a sustainable business model. Jason Stoffer, Maveron, Peter Stokes, Northeastern University, Rick Staisloff, rpkGROUP, Chase Jarvis, creativeLIVE #HigherEdNext 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM COGNITIVE PROCESS & DESIGN THINKING Waldorf Education: Artistry Meets Academics ACC Ballroom EF | Playground Talk The world's fastest growing independent school movement, Waldorf Education ad- dresses all facets of the student; their intellectual capacities, artistic and practical skills, and physical and emotional health. Waldorf graduates meet new challenges with creativity, empathy, and adaptability. These students exhibit the courage to take intellectual risks and the moral and social compass to live as global citizens. Betsy Hanelius, Austin Waldorf School #austinwaldorf 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM GAMING & VIRTUAL LEARNING What Lies Below: Implicit Learning in Games ACC Ballroom G | Solo Presentation How can we leverage the vast enthusiasm and potential for learning that takes place in online and wireless games in order to support and measure implicit science learn- ing? This talks presents a series of games designed for (and played by) a wide public internet audience, and describes how the digital 'click' logs generated from these games can provide insight to the scientific thinking and practices that may be demon- strated through their gameplay. Jodi Asbell-Clarke, TERC #liesbelow 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM LEADERSHIP & INSPIRATION Women: Disruptors of Education ACC Room 16AB | Panel Discussion Our panelists are challenging their businesses to evolve at the speed of technology and to push education towards the future. These women have revolutionized online learning, helped set the global agenda on education and technology, and advised some of the most promising young education startups. They will discuss what leader- ship in learning looks like now versus what it used to, and reveal the lessons they've learned along the way. Betsy Corcoran, EdSurge, Deborah Quazzo, GSV Advisors, Jessie Woolley- Wilson, DreamBox Learning, Lynda Weinman, #eduwomen 3:20 PM - 3:35 PM CONTINUING EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Mind the Gap: Myth that College Preps You for Jobs Hilton Salon C | Future15: Higher Ed A gap is rapidly forming between what students are learning and the skills that employers need. Why? Students are learning the same way as 200 years ago. To be competitive, students need to learn the skills that matter, which requires rethinking Higher Ed to focus on teaching the skills employers and our economy need. Using ex- clusive data, Chegg CEO Dan Rosensweig will discuss why this gap is happening, how perception maps to reality and what needs to be done—now. Dan Rosensweig, Chegg #stdnts1st 3:40 PM - 3:55 PM DIY, MAKER & HACKER MOOCovery: 12-Steps for Online Course Creators Hilton Salon C | Future15: Higher Ed Learn about MOOCs from the makers! From Planning to Production to Administration, creating and managing an Online Course can be a daunting task. This session reveals key strategies for successful course design and delivery, and helps those new to the platform understand the time and cost involved in course creation, as well as the op- portunities. Stace Carter, University of Virginia #uvamooc 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EDUCATION POLICY & FUNDING Education: The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time ACC Ballroom D | Keynote From classroom teacher to U.S. Secretary of Education, Rod Paige has demonstrated his dedication to Education. The driving force behind his work as Secretary was his strong belief that education is a civil right, just like the right to vote or to be treated equally. In an enlightening conversation moderated by Evan Smith of The Texas Tri- bune, Rod Paige will speak to a number of topics, most notably the perspective that education is the top civil rights issue of the 21st century. Rod Paige, Former U.S. Secretary of Education, Evan Smith, The Texas Tribune WEDNESDAY SESSIONS

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