SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here
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9:30 AM–1:30 PM Conference Rm 301 Age of the Alchemist: A D&D Approach to UX Design Today, brands need to place the consumer at the cen- ter of all marketing activity. The solution: Age of the Alchemist, a Dungeon Masters approach to designing brand experiences. While this approach may be new to integrated marketing, it's old to fans of RPG's. By taking cues from these games, we can foster better connec- tions between consumers and brands. Tyler Wilson, Vincent Higgins Intermediate • Design & Development • #brandux 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 102 Always Be Testing: Detecting Novelty in A/B Tests In the Obama campaign's digital fundraising opera- tion, we A/B tested all aspects of our emails. We would stumble upon surprising results that gave us statisti- cally significant increases in our donation rates. And then, just as quickly, those effects would wear off. This workshop will demonstrate how to detect those novelty effects through multi-stage A/B testing, long-term test- ing, and re-testing. Amelia Showalter Intermediate • Content & Distribution • #ABtesting 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 104 Sketchnoting: Move Your Doodles Out of the Margins Sketchnoting is a visual note-taking process that al- lows you to capture information more vividly during meetings and events. You'll leave this workshop having learned the fundamentals you'll need to quickly and ef- fectively capture information as it's shared in the mo- ment—all in time for your next session. Craighton Berman, Eva-Lotta Lamm, Mike Rohde, Patrick Ashamalla Beginner • Work & Career • #sxsketch 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 105 Building Better Web Apps with Angular.js The best web apps handle dynamic data with grace and ease. But to get the job done, front-end developers often end up with messy code. In this workshop, we'll show you how to solve these problems using Angular. js. We'll show you the ropes of Angular and you'll leave with a working app that leverages real-time data and advanced JavaScript techniques for both desktop and mobile. Ian MacDowell, Katrina Bekessy Intermediate • Design & Development • #SXAngular 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 106 After Snowden: Privacy, Surveillance, & the NSA This 2.5-hour workshop brings together renowned ex- perts in technology, civil liberties, law, and U.S. gov- ernment intelligence policy to delve into the technical and policy aspects of national security surveillance, the evolution of laws governing the NSA, and how policy may develop in the future. Julian Sanchez, Robert Chesney, Susan Landau, Timothy Edgar Intermediate • Social and Privacy • #NSApolicy 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 202 From WebApp to WebView with PhoneGap This talk is primarily for those who are comfortable developing Apps for the web who want to delve into mobile / PhoneGap. In this workshop, we'll start with a webapp and walk through the process of turning it into a PhoneGap mobile app. To really get the most out of this class you'll need a good understanding of JavaScript and web apps. Lindsey Simon, Lorin Beer Advanced • Design & Development • #phonegap 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 203 Begin at the End: Content Planning for Insights Social content strategy is NOT about getting as many comments, likes and shares as you possibly can. This hands-on workshop will show you how to connect con- tent, engagement and analytics to derive actionable insights, and lead you to more purposeful and valuable engagement in social channels. Dorice Piraino, Mark Williams Advanced • Content & Distribution • #BeginAtEnd 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 204 Growth & Identity: A Dialogue with Burning Man Explore the challenges Burning Man has confronted in the face of extreme growth and popularity. Learn how Burning Man has employed UX, social media, grass- roots organizational techniques and business strategy to scale collaborative culture and ways to enhance col- laborative engagement and ensure that authenticity of experience remains intact. Jim Graham, Rebecca Throne, Silvia Stephenson Beginner • Social and Privacy • #BRCculture 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Conference Rm 301 Create Your Own Wearable Technology Instructor will share basic sewing and physical com- puting knowledge and tips for repurposing everyday sewing implements for use in wearable technology. Students will walk away with a custom LED wristband. No prior experience with electronics or sewing required (knowing how to thread a needle and knot thread is a plus!) Materials included. Grace Kim Intermediate • Intelligent Future • #wearables SUNDAY, MARCH 9 11:00 AM–6:00 PM Classroom 101 Advanced Agile Mobile Design: Android 4.x iOS 7 Get a complete strategy to "start with questions and walk away with wireframes". Effective Android and iPhone design patterns, Lean Agile design principles and practical mobile Rapid Iterative Testing and Evalu- ation insights to super-charge your mobile app. I teach your entire team "to catch fish" in an intensive, creative Agile design session using hand-sketched sticky notes. Greg Nudelman Advanced • Design & Development • #advmobux 11:00 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 102 Blur the Lines: Write Web Apps that Look Native More people are accessing the web through mobile devices, and the desire to create more engaging ex- periences for those devices is increasing as well. Let's explore what we can do with the new HTML features like the accelerometer, geolocation and camera APIs, as well as speed enhancements to make our web apps feel more like native apps, with all the advantages that come with being on the web. Ethan Muller, Jeremy Mack, Rob Tarr Intermediate • Design & Development • #nativeweb 11:00 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 104 Idea Vomiting: A Creative Brainstorming Session Whether it's scribbled on a cocktail napkin, strikes like lightning, or wakes you up in the middle of the night, in- spiration can hit at unexpected times. Through our jobs at IBM, we've discovered some methods for prompting that inspiration. If you've ever wanted to start your own company, invent something new, or just refresh your creative process, you'll want to check this out. Alexander Braden, Courtney Tye Beginner • Art, Science & Inspiration • #IdeaVomit 11:00 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 105 Cloud Portability with Multi-Cloud Toolkits Changes in reliability, performance, cost, and privacy in the cloud may drive you to consider alternative pub- lic, private, or hybrid clouds. We'll cover cloud basics and how to effectively use toolkits that operate across multiple clouds. You'll work through examples of multi- cloud apps in Java, Node.js, Python, or Ruby and go home with recipes for building portable cloud applica- tions. Dana Bauer, Everett Toews, Ken Perkins, Kyle Rames Intermediate • Design & Development • #multicloud 11:00 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 106 Bitcoin Workshop: Buying, Selling & Transacting We'll begin by going over the history of bitcoin and then get right into how to get bitcoins to start with. We'll re- view the online exchanges where you can trade bitcoin for dollars. We'll show you how to buy them via face-to- face from someone else in the workshop! You'll see how long it takes to complete a transaction and how to con- vey your long, messy wallet addresses to each other. Stephen Fraga Beginner • Health & Business • #bitcoin 11:00 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 202 Hardware Isn't Hard, It's Complicated This workshop provides an in-depth look at all of the product development stages from idea and investment, design and engineering, and manufacturing and sup- port. Attendees will gain a complete understanding of what the process and key components are when devel- oping complex hardware and technological innovations into producible, deliverable, and supportable products. Aren Kaser, Sean Murphy, Steve Lowe Intermediate • Design & Development • #hardup SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 194 195 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival WORKSHOPS AT&T CONFERENCE CENTER, LEVELS 1–3: 1900 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SPECIAL PROGRAMS