SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here
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11:00 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 203 DIY PR for Crowdfunded / Kickstarter Projects This workshop will go over PR best practices, strategies and tactics on how to create interest for crowdfunded projects, based on conversations with people who've run successful campaigns and with media. It'll cover planning, timing, pitch writing, story angles, social me- dia, approaching reporters, how to avoid "dead zone" during a campaign, and more. Connie Zheng Beginner • Health & Business • #diyPR 11:00 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 204 Pimp Your Pitch: Learn Visual Storytelling Everyone's got a story to tell or an idea to sell. But your audience has to understand and embrace it if you truly want to motivate them to act. This Visual Storytelling workshop will teach you how to create audience em- pathy, address resistance, heighten emotional appeal, and strengthen your story structure to persuade your audience. Because you only get one chance to make a great first impression. Paul Brown, Ryan Orcutt, Mike Pacchione, Nancy Duarte Advanced • Health & Business • #pitchfix 11:00 AM–4:00 PM Conference Rm 301 Hack to the Future: Reinventing the Way We Work At Citrix, we have a passion for innovation. We will kick off with a session with an uncensored, unscripted dis- cussion on reinventing the way we work and live with people who are very passionate about this topic: Bit- coin, Twitter, Jawbone and Draper & Associates. Then, put your skills to the test with a 3-hour hack to produce the best next-gen collaboration app. Adrienne Huesca, Joel Yarmon, Leslie Miley, Patrick Murck Advanced • Design & Development • #citrix 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 102 Advanced Drupal Development Take advantage of related content & content catego- ries as we build a feature rich Job Post site, one with a sophisticated Information Architecture and a UX that takes advantage of that architecture. You'll create custom content-types, interactive listing pages, define contextual layouts, categorize posts, provide category based navigation, and create a "Related Content" list. Doug Vann Advanced • Content & Distribution • #DrupalSXSW 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 103 How to Design Products for Behavior Change This workshop is about making products that help us- ers take specific, targeted actions. I'll show you how to apply the recent explosion of research in behavioral economics and psychology to the practical tasks of designing products that help people change daily rou- tines and behavior. Stephen Wendel Beginner • Design & Development • #D4BC 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 104 Finding Your WHY - Business Vision Workshop What really drives your business? What has you wake up in the morning? Defining your 'WHY' is what sepa- rates successful, innovative companies from the status quo. This workshop takes this theory and combines it with the science of creativity, giving participants the opportunity to create a Vision Board, a collaged repre- sentation of goals and dreams. Stephanie Staidle Beginner • Health & Business • #rightbrain 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 105 Rugged Software Using Rugged Driven Development Using Gauntlt, an open source framework, to help implement Rugged Driven Development (RDD) you will find it fun to live by the Gauntlt motto, "be mean to your code." You will be equipped to deliver and release ruggedized software faster as well as span the commu- nication gaps that exist between dev, ops and security teams. James Wickett, Jeremiah Shirk, Karthik Gaekwad Intermediate • Design & Development • #rugged 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 106 Privacy, Permission & the Evolution of Big Data Let's take a look at how folks feel about social media and privacy. They're opposed to parties having access to their personal data and most don't appreciate their data being used without consent or knowledge of how it's used. But, when asked and informed, consumers are happy to share. The solution? Communities of consent. Andrew Grenville, Tyler Douglas Intermediate • Social and Privacy • #ask2share 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 203 Beyond Ping Pong Tables: Building Better Companies A tech entrepreneur, a Wall Street banker turned monk, and a tech industry leader see an unprecedented op- portunity for technology startups to not only build more innovative products but to build better compa- nies. This session will focus on what culture actually means, how companies build the right foundation to create a thriving company, and how to manage values and culture as a company grows. Jessica Lawrence, Rasanath Das, Vipin Goyal Intermediate • Health & Business • #beyondpong 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 204 How to Make Everything Go Viral: Just Kidding No, you can't make everything go viral, but you can try. In 2.5 hours we'll teach you all of our secrets to optimiz- ing social media to drag traffic, kicking and screaming, back to your site. We'll teach you how to frame your content, manage your Facebook Page, and how to try to make amazing content. There is a science to virality. So ALL ABOARD the Interwebs science train! Adam Mordecai, Joseph Lamour, Rebecca Eisenberg Intermediate • Social and Privacy • #SXupworthy MONDAY, MARCH 10 9:30 AM–6:00 PM Classroom 101 Build Responsively: Modern Responsive Web Design Build Responsively introduces attendees to the mind- set and techniques necessary for embracing the fluid nature of the web. The full-day workshop provides a broad sweep across the major topics involved in build- ing responsive websites. Ben Callahan, Jeremy Loyd Intermediate • Design & Development • #brworkshop 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 102 Expansion Through Ecosystems When parties in an ecosystem collaborate to expand the entire pie rather than just their slice, growth occurs faster. Few companies will successfully operate in isola- tion. If you don't identify opportunities to shape that ecosystem in collaboration with others, you may fall behind. This workshop simulates the changing nature of ecosystems as you work with others to stay viable in the marketplace. Diego Depetris, Patrick Kalaher, Steve Selzer, David Sherwin Intermediate • Health & Business • #EcoExpands 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 103 Transformational Design: Beyond UXD Many existing User Experience Design (UXD) tech- niques urge you to take design cues from "users" before designing. But as Ford famously summed up: "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have told me a faster horse!" Join us on our quest to transform human experience and culture in new and meaningful ways. Christine Outram, Daniel Rosenberg Advanced • WTF and Beyond • #BeyondUXD 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 104 Fear No Marker: Tools to Create Your Visual Story Join ImageThink (the artists behind OgilvyNOTES) to learn sketchnoteing techniques to use during SXSW and to apply immediately with your teams for en- hanced creativity, focus and engagement. Take away's include: sharing complex ideas more effectively via so- cial, tools for better visual storytelling, and creating a custom SXSW icon library! Heather Willems, Nora Herting Intermediate • Art, Science & Inspiration • #Imag- eThink 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 105 Data to Go: Mobile API Design While the networking and data layer may not be the sexiest part of your application, it is vitally important to the experience of your users. This talk introduces a set of 3 principles for good mobile API design that will speed up performance, enable better resource man- agement, and improve the overall user experience of your next mobile app. Chuck Greb, Matt Smollinger Advanced • Design & Development • #DataToGo SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 196 197 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival WORKSHOPS AT&T CONFERENCE CENTER, LEVELS 1–3: 1900 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SPECIAL PROGRAMS