SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here
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9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 106 Designing Surveys that Work To yield valid, reliable, and useful data, surveys must be properly planned, constructed, and analyzed. In this workshop, we will discuss when surveys are an appro- priate tool, and review key elements of survey meth- odology. Then we will examine high-quality question- naire design, including biases and question types to be avoided, visual design guidelines, and other aspects from launch to analysis. Aaron Sedley, Elizabeth Ferrall-Nunge Intermediate • Design & Development • #surveys 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 202 DPS & You: Building a Digital Magazine The art director and lead developer for Funny Or Die's The Occasional share their experiences in building a magazine from scratch and how to work the system to get the best output. They'll share tips and tricks on manipulating Adobe's InDesign to get the best output. This workshop is a hands-on look at the Digital Publish- ing Suite and how to use it. Abby Kallgren, Dan Abramson, Nate Maggio Beginner • Design & Development • #DPSnYOU 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 203 CX + Content: What's Your Story? Fritsch will lead you through Freytag's Pyramid and applies it to a cyclical content marketing strategy inte- grated with CX. Prozan will help you simplify their sto- rytelling objectives to connect with each customer that moves through your funnel. You'll craft content strategy based on the emotions you want your customers to feel and integrate it with CX that delivers transformative interactions. Lauren Fritsch, Victoria Prozan Intermediate • Content & Distribution • #CXStory 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 204 The Humor-Centered Design Process To design with humor, designers must understand it in all of its dimensions. This four-hour workshop provides an outline and a demonstration of how to infuse humor throughout the stages of the design process, and teach- es that doing so can create a fun process of research, design, and development—and, not to mention inspire other surprise benefits. Chelsey Delaney, Chris Trew Intermediate • Design & Development • #humorUX 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Conference Rm 301 Hacking Medicine: Pain Points to Pilot At this workshop, MIT's H@cking Medicine will bring together engineers, entrepreneurs, clinicians, and de- signers to develop disruptive solutions for problems plaguing healthcare. Workshop attendees will divulge their specific pain points. Hackers will then be coached by the physicians and facilitators on how to take those pain points and develop quick solutions to pilot by workshop's end. Allison Yost, Andrea Ippolito, Zen Chu Intermediate • Health & Business • #hackmed 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 103 Blueprint for Brand Advocacy Together, we will: 1. Break down the definition of influ- ence and establish distinctions between those who are beyond influence and those who demonstrate a desire to proclaim the love of their brand/organization to the world. 2. Address the "what's in it for them" factor. 3. Identify the tools/techniques of what makes brand advocates, how you activate them while continuing to build new ones. Natalie Rodic Marsan, Nick Cicero, Tim McDonald Advanced • Health & Business • #BFBA 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 105 Designing UI in Keynote for Web & Mobile Apps Keynote is an incredibly efficient tool for designing user interfaces for web and mobile applications and allows you to wireframe, create high fidelity designs, mockup interactions, create visual specs, simulate animations, create interactive prototypes and present all from one tool. Ted Boda Intermediate • Design & Development • #keynoteui 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 106 Filters, Bias, & Collaboration Learn how to track individual and collective bias. Par- ticipants will learn more about how these biases work, tools that can track and recognize bias, and how to address bias, whether it is in hiring and selection prac- tices, survey design, or media consumption. J Nathan Matias, Sarah Szalavitz Intermediate • Design & Development • #sxBias 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 202 Exploring the Creative Coding Landscape It wasn't long ago that if you wanted to do some creative coding Flash was your tool of choice. Not anymore. From code frameworks like Processing, openFrameworks and Cinder to visual tools like Touch- Designer there are a plethora of choices. Attend this workshop and be taken on a tour of the creative coding landscape. Learn to broaden your skills and bring some interactivity to your creations. Rick Mason Beginner • Design & Development • #createcode 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 203 How to Build Mental Models for Content + Marketing In this workshop, attendees will build out a mental model of their ideal user for content marketing. Each attendee will leave with a model that points the way to the message pillars on which your content program should be built, the channels on which it should live, the vehicles that should be used to distribute it and the vo- cabulary that will flag it as magnetic to just-right users. Tara-Nicholle Nelson Intermediate • Content & Distribution • #mindmodels 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Classroom 204 Live Visuals: Intro to Video Mapping Projection mapping has been used in the land of live vi- suals for quite some time. This workshop will inform you of the tools, software and content you'll need to start mapping. We'll go over the basics of video mapping including software options, hardware choices, how to set up playback systems and projectors, and the impor- tance of video content. Mat Hale, Todd Moyer Beginner • Design & Development • #SXVideoMap 3:30 PM–6:00 PM Conference Rm 301 Minorities & Health Tech: A How to Workshop Learn to harness current technology, social media uses and consumption behavior in communities of color to tailor the design and implementation of health innova- tion solutions. You'll be introduced to potential fund- ing and mentorship opportunities, then strategies to leverage partnerships for design and testing to yield sustainable health tech to minimize health disparities of urban communities. Alisa Hughley, Damon Davis, Ivor Horn, Kimberly Bryant Intermediate • Health & Business • #MinHIT TUESDAY, MARCH 11 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 101 Elevating Everyday DIY to the Tech Level With the DIY/Maker revolution, learning how to turn inventive ideas into reality is more accessible, and eas- ily customizable. Texas Instruments helps enable such creations through innovative products and deep tech roots. This workshop will focus on MCU LaunchPad and TI DLP-powered development kits to kick-start and fur- ther build the modern DIY revolution. Adrian Fernandez, Gerard Sequeira, Kipp Bradford, Pascal Nelson Intermediate • Art, Science & Inspiration • #DIYwithTI 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 102 Viteracy Now! Cause Video & the Proof Imperative Four-hour workshop that explores the latest trends and practices in the emergency of short-form video as a critical tool for conveying urgency, proof, impact and relevancy in the social good sector. Attendees will gain working knowledge of the 10 types of cause videos be- ing used successfully in the sector today and discover which are best for creating specific outcomes, with measureable results. Jefferson Graham, Marcia Stepanek Intermediate • Global Impact & Policy • #causevideo 9:30 AM–1:30 PM Classroom 103 Storytelling, Innovation, & Inspiration This workshop showcases examples from a variety of web, film, animation, and mobile design leaders. You will 1. understand the basic dynamics of storytelling, engagement, and surprise, 2. examine the mechanisms that make stories compelling and meaningful, 3. gain hands-on experience constructing a storyline and 4. learn how to develop product ideas through the use of stories. Alex Cuthbert Intermediate • Content & Distribution • #mystory SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 196 197 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival WORKSHOPS AT&T CONFERENCE CENTER, LEVELS 1–3: 1900 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SPECIAL PROGRAMS