SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here
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SXSW TRADE SHOW THE EXHIBITION FOR CREATIVE INDUSTRIES: AUSTIN CONVENTION CENTER, EXHIBIT HALL 3/4 Chevrolet ............................................ 401 Detroit, MI Come visit us at the Trade Show! Chitter.............................................. 1339 Milwaukee, WI Chit ter is social media that rewards customers for their patronage to their favorite businesses, and provides customers the oppor tunit y to reward businesses with their loyalt y and photo at a time. Choose Chicago .................................. 329 Chicago, IL Home to creative luminaries in tech, music, film, and design, Chicago is a cultural force of nature. Come meet the makers. Come be a maker. Chicago is where greatness is made. Chordify ........................................... 1324 Rotterdam, NL Come visit us at the Trade Show! Cinematique ......................................1574 Beverly Hills, CA Come visit us at the Trade Show! Cinetics .............................................. 101 Austin, TX Cinetics, maker of Cineskates, helps people cre - ate captivating video through controlled camera movement with their line of por table and modular cinematic gear. CloudHashing ..................................... 426 Austin, TX Cloud Hashing is a Bitcoin mining technology company of fering immediate hashing power in the cloud for our customers. Codero Hosting ................................ 1508 Austin, TX Best reliabilit y + per formance + value=Codero Hosting delivers world-class dedicated, managed, cloud and hybrid hosting solutions on-demand for businesses of all sizes on a global basis. Cognitee ........................................... 1138 Shinagawa, JPN Cognitee Inc. has the mission to visualize human cognition process. We are continuously creating multifaceted cognitive ser vices. Our product, "Dis - cuss Here" is providing the common-abilit y to handle knowledge representation intuitively. Concept Factory ............................... 1566 Detroit, MI Concept Factor y provides ser vices in suppor t of em- bedded touch, motion and gesture user inter face de - sign and technology advancement to help the world's leading companies envision, design and implement the future of their embedded control panels. Consumer Electronics Association...... 744 Arlington, VA The Consumer Electronics Association (CE A ), the trade association representing the $203 billion U.S. CE industr y, owns and produces the International CES, the world's gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technology. Contour Design ................................. 1034 Windham, NH Contour Design has specialized in manufacturing cen- tralized input devices since 2001. Our RollerMouse products help eliminate the need to reach for or grip the mouse. Stop by our booth to tr y it out for yourself! CoolNerd ............................................ 204 New York, NY CoolNerd Kiosk bridges the gap bet ween disk retailers like Redbox and streaming retailers like Net flix. CNK is the Redbox for smar tphones. Ads run on monitor while phones charge and/or movies/music are down- loaded. Cool and simple. CrowdTorch ...................................... 1564 McLean, VA Come visit us at the Trade Show! Delvv ................................................ 1446 Palo Alto, CA Come visit us at the Trade Show! Designica Software .......................... 1528 Austin, TX Simplif ying life so the ar tist can get back to the ar t. Digital Bolex ....................................... 103 Los Angeles, CA T he Digital Bolex is a Super 16mm camera f or the digital age, shooting f ull y uncompr e s sed ra w f ile s w ith as tounding color and audio capabilitie s. Re - member w hen home mo v ie s looked like r eal mo v ie s? Bolex r emember s. Digital Touch Systems ........................ 1556 Austin, TX Digital Touch Systems Digital Touch Systems (DTS) is a touch screen technol- ogy company based in Austin, Texas. DTS manufac - tures touch screen hardware and develops interac- tive multi-touch sof t ware. We create synergy through hardware manufacturing and sof t ware development. DigitalOcean ....................................... 525 New York, NY DigitalOcean, the world's simplest and fastest cloud hosting ser vice built for developers. Customers can create a cloud ser ver in 55 seconds, and pricing plans star t at only $5 per month for 512MB of R AM, 20GB SSD, and 1TB Transfer. Digitize Your Brand ............................344 Ladera Ranch, CA Come visit us at the Trade Show! DilogR .............................................. 1336 Austin, TX DilogR transforms your videos, slides and pictures into an interactive t wo- way dialog that engages view - ers and empowers your customers to choose relevant topics, give feedback and take action. DocResponse ...................................... 647 Houston, TX DocResponse is a healthcare website/app developed by board cer tified physicians with sub- specialt y training to help users recreate a doctor's visit. DocRe - sponse helps users diagnose their medical condition by giving a list of likely diagnoses. Dollar Photo Club ............................... 208 New York, NY Dollar Photo Club is the only stock photo membership you need. Over 25 million images to access at just $1 each—always! This members -only club of fers exclu- sive pricing and benefits such as Everlasting Down- loads for all approved members. Join today! DropKloud .......................................... 611 Boston, MA We drop Klouds (digital capsules filled with content from your favorite musicians and celebrities) to be discovered at any location or event. DropKloud is a Boston based Star tup. Drupalize.Me .................................... 1423 Des Moines, IA Become a member at Drupalize.Me and access pro - fessional Drupal training any time, any where. Our comprehensive instructional video librar y is trusted by thousands of users around the world. Dun & Bradstreet ............................... 541 Austin, TX D&B is the world's leading source of commercial information and insight on businesses, enabling com- panies to Decide with Confidence® for more than 172 years. D&B's global commercial database contains more than 225 million business records. Dutch Culture ................................... 1307 Amsterdam, NL Come visit us at the Trade Show! EBQuickstart ...................................... 939 Austin, TX EBQ is a sales and marketing firm based in Austin, T X. We can help with any aspect of the sales cycle, wheth- er supplying a single stop-gap ser vice or the complete ef for ts of an entire sales and marketing depar tment. Ebyline ............................................... 309 Sherman Oaks, CA Ebyline connects brands with freelance journalists to create exclusive, high-qualit y content and provides a plat form to streamline the creative process. The AP, Fox Spor ts, Intel and Petco utilize Ebyline to help with their content marketing. Egowall LLC ...................................... 1435 Dallas, TX Egowall is an online 3D social plat form that empow - ers you to be "The Real You" via customizable vir- tual spaces where personal images, decorations and games define your past and present and your lifest yle and interests. Electronic Frontier Foundation......... 1146 San Francisco, CA EFF is the leading defender of online civil liber ties. We promote innovator rights, defend free speech, fight illegal sur veillance, and protect rights and freedoms as our use of technology grows. Embarcadero .................................... 1430 San Francisco, CA Appmethod is the complete app development plat- form for building fast apps fast, for ever y device, with a development experience that's engaging and fun. Entertainer's Secret Throat Relief ..... 721 Carmel, IN Come visit us at the Trade Show! Epiphany Eyewear ............................... 106 Los Angeles, CA Come visit us at the Trade Show! Epson America Inc ..............................943 Long Beach, CA Epson, a global innovation leader, will be demon - strating smar t wearable devices for the head and wrist. Come and experience Epson Moverio smar t glasses and Pulsense activit y monitor with continu- ous hear t rate tracker. Eventbase ......................................... 1239 Vancouver, BC Eventbase (formerly Xomo) powers the SXSW Go app. We produce the world's most trusted mobile technol- ogy plat form for events including conferences, trade shows, festivals and spor ts. Clients include Lol- lapalooza, Sundance and the London 2012 Olympics. EventForte Inc .................................. 1562 Santa Clara, CA EventFor te, Inc is a ne w star t- up based out of California providing an automated and integrated solution for event management – all the while ser ving all classes of the event industr y, including hotels, organizers and at tendees. Experience Media Studios .................. 812 Las Vegas, NV An Experience Media Studios innovation, 3DPOV of fers a novel and groundbreaking approach to interactive stor y telling, immersing the audience in ever y aspect - the visuals and the sound experience - of content. Film Festival Flix .............................. 1442 North Hollywood, CA Film Festival Flix brings award- winning and audi- ence favorite films from festivals around the world to audiences in theaters and online. Discover great films and join the independent film communit y at Film Florida ........................................ 347 Miami Beach, FL Come visit us at the Trade Show! Focal Upright ...................................... 205 Portsmouth, RI Focal Upright designs, manufactures and sells in- novative work furniture that helps you maintain bet ter health and improve productivit y. It's evolved furniture for all things tech. Say no to the 8-hour shif t as a chair jockey. Garagesocial....................................... 819 Boston, MA Social net working and exploration plat form for vehicles. Discover all the vehicles and their owners from around the world. Organize and showcase them all from a cut ting edge web inter face. Geeks from Gangnam ...........................1107 Seoul, KOR Geeks from Gangnam is the of ficial Korean star tup delegation to SXSW 2014. Composed of outstanding content developers, Geeks from Gangnam proudly presents you with the cut ting-edge visionar y of the future content industr y. SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 47 SXSW TRADE SHOW