Interactive 2014

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here

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Keeping Score in Social: It's More than Likes Why measuring "likes" and "followers" doesn't matter anymore. Come learn to measure the real impact of social campaigns. Jim Rudden Make Them Hate You! Why Polemic Brand 'Fails', Win Most brands operate timidly, fearful of blunders rolling into online publicity disasters. Is this warranted? Adam Abrahami Building a Community Without Memes, Porn, Cat Pics Community Moderating 101: How to keep online conversations informative, engaging, fun, and, yes, civil. Marc Bodnick SUNDAY, MARCH 9 11:00 AM Ballroom E Making Room for 3D in a Designer's Toolkit Introducing 3D into your every day designer tool kit. Bushra Mahmood Is There a Neurological Recipe for Success? Let's talk about experiences that force users to learn new tricks and as a by-product modify behavior and become addictive. Pete Trainor Mismatched: What's Wrong with Recognizing Patterns We look for patterns to make sense of the world around us. But what can go wrong with the way we identify these patterns? Robert Stribley Network Convergence Accelerates Toward Automobiles Dr. Ali Abaye of @Broadcom discusses the role wired and wireless tech plays in navigating the next stretch of the mobile highway. Ali Abaye 11:00 AM Ballroom F The Source Code Behind Fashion-Tech Exploring the Intersection of Fashion and Technology. Madison Maxey Thiel Fellows Present Speakers TBA Hacking Your Education LeGate talks about learning without the bounds of a formal educational institution and get tips on how you too can leverage resources to learn a new discipline Connor Zwick Learning in a Classroom of the Future A 20-year-old's perspective on education, both as a participant in the system and as a change-maker from the outside. William LeGate 12:30 PM Ballroom E A UX Fisherman's Guide to Hooking Users From fly fishing patterns to casting tips, let's wade in the water together and adjust your UX strategy to hook tomorrow's changing user. Jon Kohrs Choice…the Gateway to Engagement Learn how meaningful choices play a key role in the quality and amount of engagement a person has with modern digital products. Brad Nunnally Beyond Dots on a Map: Visualizing 3 Billion Tweets What can 3 billion geotagged Tweets tell us? We mapped this huge data set, taking a look at Twitter's userbase in incredible detail. Eric Gundersen, Ian Cairns AMOLED Interfaces: Death to All Devices Paper-thin flexible screens, device disappearance and new possibilities. We can do this: DeathToAllDevices. com Brandon Schmittling 12:30 PM Ballroom F Great Teachers, & Why They're Here to Stay Thoughts about the role of teachers and coaches, how that role is changing, and the continuing importance of that role. Charlie Stigler Envisioning the Doctors and Patients of 2025 Delian Asparouhov Trend Versus Truth How can attempts to resolve complexity be targeted? Riley Drake The Bionanotechnology Frontier Personalize, diagnose and treat disease in real time with a variety of evolving technologies. Riley Ennis 3:30 PM Ballroom E Wiki at War: Conflict in a Socially Networked World Cybersecurity, cyberwarfare and the techno-future of information in an increasingly dangerous online age. James Carafano Context: Rescuing Us from Privacy's Dark Age Privacy's not dead, it just needs to be redefined with context. Here's why. Fatemeh Khatibloo Secure by Design: Security with UX in Mind Security vs design, and other threats to be aware of in today's highly volatile digital world. Branden Spikes The DarkNet Emerges Is a new era of digital privacy emerging? It seems hard to believe given current events, but let's take a deeper look into the near future. Andrew Delamarter 3:30 PM Ballroom F Is 23andMe Doomed? Nope. Here's Why. With the rise of 23andMe and the FDA's halt to their testing, I will set up real-life scenarios and their legal and ethical considerations. Samuel Volchenboum Biohacking: Personal Tech's Possible Future Artificial hearts and bionic eyes is very real and medi- cally relevant. What about the fringe DIY merger of man and machine? Welcome to biohacking. Jason Levy I Measure Every Single Thing My Kid Does Data-driven parenting: I track everything my kid does. You should too. Amy Webb Visualizing Chronic Health Conditions Exploring how data visualization, combined with continuous tracking, could be used in patient education for chronic health management. Brian Sherwell 5:00 PM Ballroom E Securing Facebook with Red Teams A story of "red teams" at Facebook, and how I convinced Facebook that we were deeply breached by hackers (when in fact, we weren't). Ryan McGeehan When Good Technology Goes Bad: Mobile Security Adam Tyler will demo just how easy it is to turn an inexpensive technology into a device that can threaten individuals and businesses. Adam Tyler Balancing User Privacy & Data Monetization An inside look at the opportunities and challenges of monetizing big social data. Brendan Wallace Social Identity: Public, Personal & Private The more you use social networks, the more your private data becomes public. Learn how to build virtual walls and prevent identity theft. Chris Miller 5:00 PM Ballroom F Designing a Good Death A Good Death is a digital toolkit that examines End of Life planning from a design and UX perspective. Navit Keren Beyond the Gadget: Behavior Change & Technology Go beyond the gadget: MedHelp's CEO, John de Souza, discusses what changes to current technology will spark real behavior change. John de Souza Inverting Care Delivery Models On Google Glass In ten years, why won't medical professionals have wireless hands—audio, video, and text at all times? Glass will invert healthcare. Kyle Samani Wearable Devices: The Future of Healthcare? Could healthcare + #wearabletech = a revolution? @TX- Instruments' Vikrant Bhakta explore impact wearables will have on future of healthcare Vikrant Bhakta SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 170 171 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival FUTURE 15 SESSIONS ACC, LEVEL 4 [BALLROOMS E & F]: 500 E CESAR CHAVEZ STREET SPECIAL PROGRAMS

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