Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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Drink ne 150 trawlers), and describe the salty talk and even saltier aromas coming from the below-deck quarters on a long-haul trip. While his father was the obvious choice to launch the tours, P. J. plans to ask other captains to share their stories so the tours remain fresh. Paul's own experience includes a spellbinding story of a harrowing encounter on a bitter January day involving a verti- cal rogue wave in 10-degree weather and a small sailing dog named Dixie. No spoilers here—take the tour to find out what happened. Ales and Tales tours are scheduled throughout the year or can be arranged privately. ● n On Deck: P. J. (left) and his father, Paul Halloran Smolak Farms 315 South Bradford Street North Andover, MA, 01845 Christmas on the Farm... Saturday November, 29th Fresh Fruit Fresh Pies Fresh Turkeys A Tradition for 29 Years Smolak Farms all from Smolak Farms 978-682-6332 Order Today 12512_Smolak.indd 1 9/18/14 4:44 PM 1077 OsgOOd st. NOrth ANdOver, MA 01845 www.butcherbOyMArket.cOM (978) 688-1511 Fresh Produce hot Meals-to-Go Wine craFt Beers Bakery deli oven ready Meals sPecialty Groceries Open 7 Days a Week your one-stop shop for meat & poultry Visit us Today!