Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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non-soy coconut milk-based ice cream. The restaurant's bowls and salads are also incredibly packed with flavor and nutri- tion; no diner could ever feel deprived when tucking into in the sesame-ginger- packed Adventurer bowl or the savory flavor of the Innocent bowl. "When you're a plant-based restaurant like ours, there's something for everybody for sure," says Aldo. Although some restaurants are accom- modating alternative diets by creating new menu options, others, like Woodman's of "Our entire menu is made to order. Nothing is premade. We always accommodate and are happy to." —laura aldo, life alive Alternative Dining Dictionary Dairy free Contains no milk-derived ingredients Gluten free Contains none of the protein gluten, which is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and triticale Vegetarian Omits meat, poultry, and fish Vegan Omits any animal-derived products, including dairy, eggs, and sometimes honey Paleo An abbreviation of "Paleolithic," the Paleo diet aims to emulate early man's diet, omitting things like grains and processed foods Nut free Avoids foods such as peanuts, tree nuts, and seeds; those with severe nut allergies can develop reactions such as anaphylaxis and cannot eat foods that have been cross-contaminated with nuts April + May 2014 // Volume 9 Issue 3 OCE A NHOME the outdoor living issue: SLEEK HOMES, STYLISH SPACES / COOL POOLS And SIzzLIng grILLS! Outdoor Living SLEEK HOMES, STYLISH SPACES $5.99 O C E A N H O M E M A G . C O M A p r i l + M a y 2 0 1 4 THE LuxurY COASTAL LIfESTYLE MAgAzInE COOL POOLS ANd SIZZLING GRILLS! MIN EdItORIAL & dESIGN AwARdS 2013 AwARdEd BESt MAGAZINE REdESIGN REV_OH_AprMar 14_Cover.indd 1 2/10/14 3:06 PM S U B S C R I B E T O D AY A N D G E T T H E L AT E S T O N T H E O C E A N H O M E L I F E S T Y L E S I X T I M E S A Y E A R F O R O N LY $24 .95 ! ONE GREAT GIFT IDEA. OCE A NHOME June + July 2014 // Volume 9 Issue 4 The 2014 OF THE WORLD'S BEST OCEAN HOMES, DESIGNERS, REALTORS, LUXE RESORTS, VILLAS, ISLANDS, YACHTS, AND MORE! $5.99 O C E A N H O M E M A G . C OM J u ne + J uly 2 0 14 THE LUXURY COASTAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE THE PLATINUM LIST 2014: 50 OF THE WORLD'S BEST OCEAN HOMES, DESIGNERS, REALTORS, RESORTS, VILLAS, AND MORE! Rev_PlatinumCoverFinal.indd 1 4/18/14 5:02 PM February + March 2014 // Volume 9 Issue 2 OCE A NHOME the design issue: TOP DESIGNERS, STYLISH INTERIORS AND LUXE FURNISHINGS thE dEsigN issuE tOP dEsigNERs, stYLish iNtERiORs ANd LuXE FuRNishiNgs plus: KitChEN ANd BAthROOM tRENds 2014 $5.99 O C E A N H O M E M A G . C O M MiN EditOriAl & dEsiGN AwArds 2013 AwArdEd BEst MAGAZiNE rEdEsiGN F e b r u a r y + M a r c h 2 0 1 4 The Luxury CoasTaL LifesTyLe Magazine REVOH_FebMar1313_CoverFinal.indd 1 12/18/13 10:19 AM T O S U B S C R I B E : V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E AT W W W.O C E A N H O M E M A G .C O M / S U B S C R I B E . O R , C A L L 9 7 8 . 8 2 4 . 2 8 5 0