Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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uses sustainable farming practices to grow the crops. No synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides are used in the farming process. Along with tending to the land, each morning and afternoon, dairy farmers milk 33 Jersey cows. (Susan relays that recently, a cow gave birth to twins—a rare occur- rence in the barnyard.) The milk is sold at Appleton Farms' dairy store along with yo- gurt and cheeses handcrafted in the cheese kitchen just steps from the dairy. Fresh eggs collected from movable coops are also in the offering. The farm raises free-range White Park beef cattle that graze in the Great Pasture. "They are processed in New Hampshire and the grass-fed meat is also sold at our store," says Susan. And, of course, Grieco uses the farm's beef sausage in her apple and sausage stuffing recipe. The finishing touches of the meal are Grieco's pumpkin pie biscuits and an apple and pear pandowdy, a 19th-century New England dessert cooked in a cast-iron skil- let that looks much like a pie with a lattice crust. "I use pumpkins from Appleton in the biscuit recipe," she notes. She walks outside to the wood-burning earth oven in the cool, crisp air and stokes the fire, placing the biscuits and pandowdy on a wooden paddle to slip them into the oven. The air fills with the sweet smell of baked biscuits and pastry crust. The farmers come in from the field and take their seats at the picnic table in the old carriage barn to give thanks for another good harvest. And looking out onto this bucolic setting, I can't help but give thanks for the North Shore farmers who toil all year long to bring us the fruits of their labor. carolynsfarmkitchen. com, ● n 188 Appleton Cooks! November 5 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thanksgiving on the Farm cooking class with Carolyn Grieco for more of Carolyn Grieco's recipes go to