Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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Come for the menu. Stay for the vibe. The ownership and staff of Seaport Grille invite you to dine with us. We take pride in preparing all of our menu items with only the freshest ingredients and possess a shared passion to deliver superior food in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. ExpandEd WatErfront-dEck dining innovativE nEW MEnu fabulous daily spEcials HEatEd dEck dining spacious bar signaturE cocktails & Martinis World faMous lobstEr roll 6 roWE squarE | gloucEstEr, Ma | 978-282-9799 | cruisEportgloucEstEr.coM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Wednesday 11:30am-9pm, Bar open until midnight Thursday-Sunday 11:30am-10pm, Bar open until midnight