Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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We're here if you need us. And so are we. Peter Hartmann, MD, FACS Medical Director/Breast Surgeon Anna Jaques Hospital Gerrish Breast Care Center Nadine Tung, MD Breast Medical Oncology and Genetics and Prevention, Director Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center C O M P R E H E N S I V E B R E A S T C A R E a t A N N A J A Q U E S H O S P I T A L At the Gerrish Breast Care Center at Anna Jaques Hospital, we firmly believe that patients benefit most when cared for by a team. Our affiliation with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center brings together skilled physicians, like breast surgeon Dr. Peter Hartmann of AJH and breast oncology specialist Dr. Nadine Tung of BIDMC, to provide collaborative, individualized care. Together, the care team provides a fast, accurate diagnosis and develops a highly personalized treatment plan. Patients have easy access to advanced clinical services, including genetic testing, and a dedicated Patient Navigator to provide the medical and emotional support they need. At the Gerrish Breast Care Center, compassionate world-class care starts and ends close to home. A F F I L I AT E D W I T H S c h e d u l e a m a m m o g r a m : 9 7 8 - 8 3 4 - 8 2 1 0 w w w . a j h . o r g / b r e a s t c a r e