Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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64 November 2014 photographs by fawn deviney provisions Town Center Milk & Honey Green Grocer is to Salem what Oleson's Mer- cantile was to Walnut Grove. By Sarah Shemkus the goat cheese is from Tops- field and the root beer is from Maine. The cookies—those that are not made in-house—come from Essex. The coffee beans are roasted around the corner in Salem, and the shiny, crimson apples piled high in a box at the front of the store were grown just a few miles up the road, in Peabody. Everywhere you turn inside the exposed brick walls of Salem's Milk & Honey Green Grocer, local foods abound. "We focus on sustainability and work- ing with purveyors who are artisanal and small," says Bill Driscoll, who owns the Church Street shop with his wife, Sharon. Milk & Honey opened in 2010, but the seeds of the endeavor were planted Shop ne Corner Store The sandwiches and cheese selection at Milk & Honey are renowned around town.