Northshore Magazine

November 2014

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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Page 85 of 259

Accents ne 84 1. Orange napkin set, $44, Lula's Pantry 2. Julia Tapestry napkin, $7.95, Williams-Sonoma 3. Purple linen napkin, $14.50, Lula's Pantry 4. Le Jacquard Francais tea towel, $25, Mimi 5. Couleur Nature gold napkin (set of 4), $48, Mimi 6. Le Jacquard Francais tea towel, $24, Lula's Pantry Lovely Linens Fine fabrics add flair to any table setting. where to buy it see page 230 1 2 3 4 5 6 photograph by glenn scott styling by julie paquette for Anchor Artists

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