Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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November 2014 97 31-acre Wenham site, which should be fully operational within two years. Youth come from 39 cities to partici- pate in The Food Project. The program runs out of three offices and comprises 12 farms and greenhouses. Young people from both urban and suburban neighbor- hoods work in rural Beverly and in the city of Lynn, and are thereby exposed to diverse communities. The North Shore chapter is responsible for the building of 911 backyard and community raised-bed gardens in Boston, Lynn, and Gloucester, and services five farmers' markets. Youth grow 250,000 pounds of organic produce each year—donating it to hunger relief organizations and selling it at farmers' markets and through community sup- ported agriculture (CSA) farm shares. I Good Growth Social justice, sustainable agriculture, and community building are a few of the subjects explored by young people participating in The Food Project. By Kiley Jacques t's a fine fall morning when The Food Project's acting execu- tive director, James Harrison, sits down to explain the fairly complex youth programming that unfolds throughout the year on two acres belonging to The Trus- tees of Reservations at Long Hill in Beverly. Started in 1991 in Lincoln and Weston, The Food Project has since expanded into Boston and its surrounding neighbor- hoods. In 2005, a North Shore branch was launched on a site in Lynn where 25 youth farmed half an acre at the Ingalls School, and also helped out at Appleton Farms in Ipswich. Today, 30 core staff members work with over 150 teens and thousands of volunteers on 31 acres in Lincoln, seven acres in Beverly, two and a half acres in Boston, one acre in Lynn, and soon a new