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1990 CBF Program Begins: CCC Named 1992 a~ Agent Six CFB Stations Approved 1988 Baltimore Office Opens Indust~y Resource Group Formed 1 9 1986 CCC Moves Headquarters Joint Management West Gulf, South Atlantic and 17 CFS Statio Job Security Program Oiscontinued to Jersey CBy ILA Industry, Preservation New Orleans Subscdbe to 8,000 I[A Met ILA Becognizes BCC Savannah Office Opens Group Formed Master Contract through CF t I I l t I ] I 1987 1989 1991 1993 CCC Incorporated CFS Program Begins CFS Program Expanded 3Ogg IIA Members Trained JSP Agency Absorbed by CCC CBC Named as Agent to Cover Training I~reugh CFS Program BAI Eliminated in South APanec S#cm/ao I CardeesContatnerOouRcd, ]nc 1986 2001 This accomplishment is significant when G is considered that prior to the maior role undertaken by the carriers in 1980, there had been strikes in 195% 1954, 1957, 1959, 1962, 1964, 1968, 1971 and I97L Seven Ta0- Hadley injnnctions had to be issued by the President of the United States to stop IIA strikes, and most of the sldkes mentioned had continued for more than 50 days after file Taft-Hartley injunction expired Thus, the maior accomplishment of COO has been to biing stability to the longshore industry for the first time in ses~ral decades. Beginning in 1980, there was a sing]e oarrter body and automated issues on a Maine-lo 'P~xas basis. Without such an~, organization, labor peace was, and would continue ~o b, to achieve. A new ptfilomphical approach was brought to co0ectG,e bargaining by the presence of COO in the negotiations, In 1987 and 1988 tbe NA, for tile first thne, entered into a Statement of Purpose whirl set forth the aims sought to be achieved by each side in the following Master Contract bargaining. WithotB the ILA's recogtiiBon and the commRment of CCC, a joint approach would not hm,e been achieved. The COO PhUc*ophy Tbe carriers set forth Ibeir desire for tile creation of a profe, sional, productive work force consisting of a balance between job opportunities and the available work force, Staffs on piers and longshore gangs were to be reduced; Container Freight Stations (CFS) wBbnnt many tredBionaI Ilk manning and ~mrk rnles were to be cleated, and the employers' fight to manage and to introduce laborsaving and i nnovaSve methods and technology was 1o be recognized.