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Seizing on the successes which the coalition had achieved dLning the negotiation of the 1996 M~ter Contract, the leadership of CCC took steps to fomlalize the coalition btio an organization that would represent the hBerests of the carriers, stevedores and [~ort associations on an ongoing basis with the ILL In 1997, the United States blariilme Alliance, Ltd. vms incorporated to achieve this goal. Since its creation in 1997, USMX has become the paramount management representative with respect to the Master Contract. While USMX was becoming the collective bargaining represeniain'e for all segments of the industry, including the carrier membership of CCC, CCC continued to work for beth the carrier8 and the entire industsy. Beginning in 1997, CCC led the successful defense in a massive anti trust lawsnit brought against beth Management and the [LA by Bermuda Container Lines. Had Bermuda Container Lines won, the Master Contract would have collapsed because carriers would have been free to pick and choose wBem they would be bound by the Master Contract. In 2000, CCC led the effort to convince the lb'~ that the 1996 lH~ter Contract should be extended for three years until Seplember 30, 2004, efforts ilmt resulted in a three-year extension which is projected to cost Management only seven percent over tile illree-year life of the exlension. Ftlrthermore, CCC has corninued to edmintster the Corder-ILA Container Freight Station program, a program which has laid out over $127 million in benefits since 1989. In addition, because of its unique knowledge of how asseSSments are charged and collected under the temls of the blaster Contract, CCC has continued to represent the carders in tile CAP program. Finally, CCC insures that MILA receives the man hour and tonnage contributions to which MILA is ~ntided. Into the Future With the emergence of USMX, CCC is now embarking on a new role. CCC will no longer represent the carriers in collective bargaining as it has since its inception in 1987. The three of Bees which CCC operated in Baltimore, Savannah ,'uld Houston have become USMX ofBee~, gg:ect b'e July I, 2002, CCC will sunset its operations. However, a ile~v CCC has emerged. The CCC Service Corporation has been incorporated as a for-profti corporation under Delaware law+ It will continue to serve the CFS program, MILA, and it will administer the CAP program+ It rdll also be available for the indmlry Io use x'cith respect In rek~trch and vital information which USi~IX or its members may require. Whether it's the old CCC or the new CCC, the teml "CCC" will still be synonymous with exemplary service to the maritime industry on the Atlantic and Grill co~ts of the United Stales