MARCH 2015
dences, commercial establishments,
and multifamily developments in
1eZ (nJland and EeyRndȃȴUst
connected with this homeowner
when she saw a living room he had
designed for a friend.
"I had always liked it, so when
Ze ȴnally JRt aURXnd tR PaN-
ing some changes, I called Den-
nis. When he came here, looked
around, and told me what he
thought, I got really, really excited."
The homeowner and her hus-
band have lived in the Swampscott
house for several decades, raising
their children and developing their
careers here. Built in the 1940s out
of white-painted cinderblock made
to resemble a California ranch,
their home grew into a Tudor-style
house with half timbering and a
brick stair tower.
"When we came here in 1993,
those renovations were 90 percent
complete," the homeowner recalls.
"We loved so many things about
this house, including that it's just
steps away from the ocean and the
fact tKat tKe EacNyaUd is ȵat, PaN-
ing it easier to install a swimming
pool. But we never loved the ambi-
ence," she continues. "We wanted
to lighten it up in the entry hall, to
redo the two downstairs powder
rooms, and to redesign the kitchen.
When it came time to begin, we de-
cided to do it all together, and make
a mess just once."
"Her kitchen is literally located
at the center of the house, and it is
the signature of the house," Duffy
explains. "What we did in the
kitchen drove the design of what is
around it."
Completed in October 2014, the
redesign features, in addition to a
stylish and superbly functional new
kitchen, lightened woodwork, dark-
ened ȵRRUinJ, EeaXtifXl neZ Kalf
baths, and a lighter, less ponderous