Northshore Magazine

March 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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Page 61 of 244

MARCH 2015 | 59 BY CHARLOTTE ROTH Innovative fixtures and the latest technology help create a cleansing sanctuary. Bath House While many traditional styles are still embraced by New England homeowners, the bathroom is one room where renovations often bring innovative fixtures and de- signs. At Designer Bath and Salem 3lumbing 6upply, oZner -ason 6evi- nor has seen a trend toward tran- sitional styles. Ȋ1eZ (ngland used to be all about traditional design, but thatȇs not the Zhole story any- more," he says. "Transitional styles are all about clean linesȃthey fall somewhere between traditional and modern." 'esigner %ath and 6alem 3lumb- ing 6upplyȇs shoZroom in %everly offers customers the opportunity to browse varied styles, whether traditional, transitional, or modern. Ȋ0any customers are gravitating toZard Zall-hung vanities, Zhich are very popular in (urope,ȋ 6evinor explains. /it mirrors and recessed lighting are also gain- ing popularity over traditional sconcesȃhidden lighting alloZs

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