Denver Catholic

DC - Feb. 14, 2015

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2 FEBRUARY 14-20, 2015 | DENVER CATHOLIC Archbishop's Page Vatican Denver Catholic (USPS 557-020) is published weekly except the last week of December and the fi rst weeks of January, and in June, July and August when it goes bi-weekly. Denver Catholic is printed by Signature O set in Denver. Periodical postage paid in Denver, CO. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $35 a year in Colorado; $42 per year out of state. Foreign countries: $42 surface, all countries, 6-8 weeks for delivery; $135 air, all other countries (average). Mexico, $48 air; Canada, $55 air. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Denver Catholic, Circulation Dept., 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, CO 80210 or email EDITORIAL: 303-715-3215 or | ADVERTISING: 303-715-3253 or CIRCULATION CUSTOMER SERVICE: 303-715-3230 or General Manager KARNA SWANSON Director ANDREW WRIGHT Business Manager MICHAEL O'NEILL Published by the Archdiocese of Denver, 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, CO 80210 Archbishop's Column Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila T his past Sunday, I had the blessing of speaking to 100 natural family planning teachers about St. John Paul II's theology of the body, which contains profound insights into human sexuality and the human person. On many occasions I have heard about couples whose relationships were strengthened by practicing NFP and learning about the theology of the body. Since many people will be celebrating St. Valentine's Day this weekend, I would like to share the basics of the the- ology of the body with you. The term "theology of the body" has been used by theologians and scholars to describe the series of teachings on human sexuality that St. John Paul II gave between Sept. 5, 1979 and Nov. 28, 1984. In total, he delivered 129 of these talks, which he later said could be titled "Man and Woman He Created Them." At the heart of St. John Paul II's teaching is the "sacramental view of reality." With this understanding, we know that the things we see in the phys- ical world have a deeper meaning and purpose that goes beyond the visible. This also includes our bodies. As the late Holy Father explained, the body "was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the invisi- ble mystery hidden in God from time immemorial, and thus to be a sign of it." In other words, our bodies' design points to spiritual aspects of our being. For instance, the larger bone structure and faster metabolism of a man indi- cate that he is designed to protect and provide, while the physique of a woman indicates that she is oriented toward drawing others in and toward nurturing. Finally, the language of the body during the sexual act communicates the spiritual reality that love between a man and a woman is meant to be free of coercion, full, faithful and fruitful. St. John Paul II draws this teaching from examining man and woman as God cre- ated them. What many of us experience on a day-to-day basis is far di– erent from this kind of integrated and beautiful understanding of human sexuality. The modern secular idea of sexuality reduces it to a sensory experience in which people are treated as objects that can be used for pleasure and cast aside when they no longer satisfy us. The approach is casual and one that ignores the truth, beauty, and goodness of human sexuality. And unfortunately, it is forming the hearts and minds of our children and young people. The language of the body tells us that relationships are meant to be built upon mutual, faithful self-giving, but our pop- ular culture has reduced relationships to mutual exploitation and connections that can be easily traded for the next pleasure. On St. Valentine's Day, the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" will be showing in theaters across the country. It is a prime example of the devastating con- sequences that come from misusing the gift of sexuality that God gave us. The movie and the book it is based on tell the story of a recent college graduate, Anastasia Steele, and Chris- tian Grey, a wealthy Seattle-based entrepreneur. I have not and will not read "Fifty Shades of Grey" or watch the movie because they normalize a distorted sexuality that is degrading, violent and anything but romantic. Not only does "Fifty Shades" contrib- ute to society's acceptance of violence against women, it also helps promote the idea that mutual physical, emo- tional and psychological exploitation is acceptable. These attitudes have led to the explo- sion in pornography use, both by men and women. Matt Fradd, who runs the website www.theporne–, points out that nearly 90 percent of the top-selling pornographic fi lms contain some form of violent behavior being committed by men against women and the women reacting with pleasure. The lie that this is somehow enjoyable and that people can fi nd satisfaction in behaving in this way must be rejected. If you are struggling with an addiction to pornography, I encourage you to visit his website. God desires each of us to be loved and to give love, not to victimize one another. This truth is so fundamental to our nature that he designed our bodies to communicate it through our actions. Every person, Catholic or not, should learn about the theology of the body because it o– ers the antidote to the degraded sexuality the secular culture is promoting and raises people to their true dignity. We must be prepared to be witnesses of the joy that comes from living as true images of God. For more information about the the- ology of the Body, visit Theology of the body outshines 'Fifty Shades' PHOTO OF THE WEEK Archbish- op Samuel Aquila addresses a group of 100 people at the annual Family Celebra- tion Dinner for natu- ral family planning (NFP) practi- tioners Feb. 8 at Centro San Juan Diego, the Hispanic institute for family and pastoral care of the Archdiocese of Denver. Archbishop Aquila received a standing ovation for his remarks on theology of the body and NFP. His presentation is available online at Photo by Jason Taylor/Archdiocese of Denver Pope to Washington VATICAN President said he Pope Francis' joint session during his September. tioned the his Feb. National fast, saying, of Americans, much looking welcoming to the United this year." address "We're Holy Father our invitation tainly look receiving behalf of people," House John reporters. VATICAN virtually disabilities Google advice and "Each the pope his Feb. video chats. own treasure along with the others youth to that what understand but it only The seven pated in ARCHBISHOP'S SCHEDULE Feb. 14: Transitional diaconate ordination, Ca- thedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (10 a.m.) Feb. 15: Mass (8:30 a.m.), Mass and blessing of Stations of the Cross (11 a.m.), Guardian Angels Parish, Denver Feb. 17: Archbishop's Lecture Series with Genie and Frank Summers, Bonfi ls Hall, St. JPII Center (7 p.m.) Feb. 18: Ash Wednesday Mass, Cathedral Basili- ca of the Immaculate Conception (12:10 p.m.) @ArchbishopDen Feb 7 Grateful #HB1135 phy- sician #assistedsuicide was defeated. Thank you for making your voices heard and building a culture of life! +sja Archbishop Aquila draws on St. John Paul II's theology of the body, a series of talks that contain profound insights into human sexuality and the human person, in his column this week. Dollar Photo Club

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