February 2015

Fleet Management News & Business Info | Commercial Carrier Journal

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36 COMMERCIAL CARRIER JOURNAL | FEBRUARY 2015 technology t Roadnet Technologies,BO0NOJUSBDT DPNQBOZTQFDJBMJ[JOHJOUSBOTQPSUBUJPO MPHJTUJDTTPGUXBSFSFMFBTFE3PBEOFU 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO4VJUFWFSTJPOUIF MBUFTUVQEBUFPGJUTPOQSFNJTFWFIJDMF SPVUJOHTDIFEVMJOHUSBDLJOHNPCJMF XPSLGPSDFBOEøFFUNBOBHFNFOUTPGU XBSF5IFVQEBUFJTEFTJHOFEUPEFMJWFS HSFBUFSDPOTJTUFODZJOUIFVTFSFYQFSJ FODF r -P+BDL$PSQJTDPMMBCPSBUJOHXJUI"55 UPQPXFSJUTDVSSFOUBOEGVUVSFNBDIJOF UPNBDIJOFUFMFNBUJDTPòFSJOHT̓GPS UIFDPOOFDUFEDBSBOEøFFUJOEVTUSJFT -P+BDLLOPXOGPSJUTWFIJDMFUIFGU QSFWFOUJPOBOESFDPWFSZTFSWJDFTCFHBO PòFSJOHøFFUNBOBHFNFOUBQQMJDBUJPOT JO+BOVBSZ r &MFDUSPOJD'VOET4PVSDFBQSPWJEFS PGDPSQPSBUFQBZNFOUTZTUFNTBO OPVODFE̓BOPQUJPOGPSESJWFSTVTJOH$BU 4DBMFTOFX8FJHI.Z5SVDLNPCJMFBQQ EFTJHOFEUPBMMPXESJWFSTUPBVUPNBUF UIFXFJHITUBUJPOQSPDFTTXJUIPVU MFBWJOHUIFDBC%SJWFSTDBODSFBUFUIFJS BDDPVOUBUXXXXFJHINZUSVDLDPNBOE TFMFDUUIF&'4$BSEBTBGPSNPGQBZNFOU BUBOZPG$"54DBMFTMPDBUJPOT OBUJPOXJEFBOEUIFOEPXOMPBEUIF NPCJMFBQQUPUIFJSTNBSUEFWJDF t (SPXUIQSJWBUFFRVJUZHSPVQ Kayne 1BSUOFSTJOWFTUFEJO%SJWFXZ[FBOEJUT TJTUFSDPNQBOZ*OUFMMJHFOU*NBHJOH4ZT UFNTUPTVQQPSUUIFDPNQBOJFTHSPXUI %SJWFXZ[FTDMPVECBTFETPGUXBSFMFWFS BHFTDFMMVMBSOFUXPSLTUIF*OUFSOFUBOE (14UPQSPWJEFXFJHITUBUJPOCZQBTT TFSWJDFTUPUSVDLJOHDPNQBOJFTCBTFE POUIFJSTBGFUZSFDPSETBUTJUFTJO TUBUFTWJBTNBSUQIPOFTUBCMFUTBOE JODBCUFMFNBUJDTEFWJDFT r 0SCDPNNBQSPWJEFSPGNBDIJOF UPNBDIJOFTZTUFNTBOOPVODFEUIBU 8FSOFS&OUFSQSJTFT CCJ5PQ/P TFMFDUFEUIFDPNQBOZTUSBDLJOHBOE NPOJUPSJOHUFDIOPMPHZGPSJUTPWFS UIFSPBESFGSJHFSBUFEUSBJMFST8FSOFS IBTCFHVOVTJOH̓0SCDPNNTDPMEDIBJO UFMFNBUJDTTZTUFNGPS̓UFNQFSBUVSFGVFM NBOBHFNFOUNBJOUFOBODFBOEMPHJTUJ DBMBQQMJDBUJPOT r 0NOJUSBDT"OBMZUJDTGPSNFSMZLOPXO BT'MFFU3JTL"EWJTPSTBOOPVODFEUIBU 4VQFS4FSWJDFBQSJWBUFMZIFMEESZWBO DBSSJFSEFMJWFSJOHDPOTVNFSQSPEVDUT CFWFSBHFTBOEQBQFSEFQMPZFEJUT %SJWFS3FUFOUJPO.PEFMBDSPTTJUTFOUJSF INBRIEF S martDrive Systems announced record growth in 2014, with growth in its fiscal third quarter – its most recent – exceeding 130 percent year over year. The San Diego-based company offers a video-based risk management program designed for commercial vehicles and transit agencies to reduce collisions and improve fuel efficiency. SmartDrive attributed its growth last year – which included an expansion of its cus- tomer base by 45 percent – to its continued product innovation, strategic partnerships and customer acquisitions across a number of key vertical markets. The 11-year-old company said it has stayed focused on identifying unsafe driv- ing and preventing collisions with an open data platform that identifies driving risk; captures video, vehicle, audio and driving data; and automatically offloads the data for review by driving experts. SmartDrive said its database has captured and analyzed more than 80 million risky driving events to date. "This is an exciting time for SmartDrive," said Steve Mitgang, chief executive officer. "Our company achieved remarkable growth as the market has begun to embrace video-based safety programs as a key strategic investment. In addition, we have seen our customers measurably reduce their risk, improving safety scores by over 50 per- cent within weeks of deploying our solution. At the end of the day, our goal is to help our customers protect their company and their freight and, most importantly, bring their drivers home safely." Recent customer wins for SmartDrive include Golden State Foods, Cypress Truck Lines, M&W Transportation, Kenco, Goggin Warehousing, Bulkmatic, KS Industries, Kimrad Transport, Utah Transit Authority and Regional Transportation District of Denver. Bozzutos, a wholesale distributor of food and household products, signed on for an additional three years after seeing a 95 percent reduction last year in its CSA Unsafe Driving measure. Last year, SmartDrive added its Assurance product line to extend the range of cam- era, integration and program configuration options – including a 360-degree vehicle view – to capture incidents caused by backing, unintended lane changes, rollovers and close following from passenger vehicles. Other product enhancements in the past 15 months include custom coaching and scoring, enhanced management reporting and key performance indicators, dynamic range triggering, active safety system integration and extended recording. SmartDrive provides software and firmware upgrades to customers as part of a monthly subscrip- tion. Several strategic alliances also were formed in 2014, such as a union with ProSight Specialty Insurance to create SecureFleet, a fully-integrated video event recorder and risk reduction service. The complementary offering combines the patented vehicle data and video event recording system with a comprehensive driver coaching program to help fleet owners and safety managers reduce risk and costs. Other recent collaborations include strategic alliances with Wabco and Convoy Technologies on developing solutions to further reduce collisions and improve fleet safety. – Aaron Huff SmartDrive's video-based risk manage- ment program is designed for commercial vehicles and transit agencies to reduce collisions and improve fuel efficiency. SmartDrive Systems doubles growth in 2014 Continued on page 38

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