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100 FROM THE ROUGH Turf managers can tell what type of larvae is invading their turf by the unique physical characteristics of the damage caused. Sometimes larvae damage can be mistaken for disease or distress, so it's important to know the differences between types of larvae for effective detection and control. One common larva—the sod webworm— typically attacks Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fine fescue and bentgrass through late September. Dr. Bobby Walls, turf product development manager for FMC Professional Solutions, offers the following information about it: Sod webworm larvae vary in color from gray or light green to tan or brown. A physical characteristic that sets them apart from other species is their spotted backs. These larvae will grow to reach a length of about 1 inch. Areas of damaged turf first appear as small brown patches. These patches will often run together causing large and irregular-shaped damaged areas. The pests burrow in tunnels in thatch during the day and emerge at night to feed. The nighttime feeding habits of the sod webworm explains how serious damage often occurs before it is noticed. Blades are eaten back unevenly and may even be completely stripped off in patches. Another common indicator is large flocks of birds gathering on the turf area to feed. Tips for Controlling Sod Webworms SOD WEBWORM