Northshore Magazine

April 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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139 Beverly MA 310.926.8520 Luna Moss f l o w e r s a floral & styling studio 978.535.1227 | WWW.COMAKBROS.COM COMAK BROS. LANDSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION She is delighted that the Cape Ann Museum has undergone a modern renovation and now, in her esti- mation, "rivals the Peabody Essex Museum." But more important to her is the fact museumgoers are seeing the Folly Cove Designers' prints and block printing process. For many, it's a first-time experience. THE PRINTING PROCESS Each image starts with an idea that lends itself to repro- duction. Ideally, it should be repeated side by side and up and down in a seamless pattern. Once it is drawn, Garrison transfers the image onto linoleum mounted onto a wooden block. Then, she This page, Garrison uses oil-based ink on linolium blocks. Opposite, The Acorn press dates back to the 1830s.

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