Northshore Magazine

May / June 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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home financing made easy. Equal Housing Lender. ©2014 PMAC Lending Services, Inc. This is not a commitment to lend. Restric ons apply. All rights reserved. Some products may not be available in all states. George Koutsos NMLS #29613, PMAC NMLS #167441, AL# CCL 21762 AZ # 0906675; AK #105531; CA – Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residen al Mortgage Lending Act CRMLA-4130382 and CFLL- 603H966; CO # 988534; CT #ML-167441; DC #MLB- 167441; DE #011891 Licensed by Commissioner of Delaware; FL #MLD776; GA #32354 Georgia Residen al Mortgage Licensee ; HI #HI-167441 and MS061; IL - Licensed Illinois Residen al Mortgage Licensee MB6760819; IN- DFI #16689; IA 2013-0115; KS # MC.0025202 Kansas Licensed Mortgage Company; KY #MC77087; LA # RMLL 167441; MA #ML167441, # MC167441 and LS167441; MD #19766; ME #167441; MI #FR0018844 and # SR00191131; MN #MN-MO-167441; NE #NE167441; NH - Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department #18188-MB; NJ #167441 Licensed by N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance; NM #167441; NY # B501022 Licensed Mortgage Banker – NYS Department of Financial Services; NC #L-156099, ND# MB102617; NV #3955; OH #MBMB.850133.000; OK #MB002031 and #ML010036; OR #ML-3236; PA – Licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Banking #36099; RI #20132946LL Rhode Island Licensed Lender; SC #MLS-167441; SD #ML.05022; TN #111887; TX SML #167441; UT-DRE #8017241; VT #6490 and 167441-1; VA – Licensed by the Virginia State Corpora on Commission, #MC-5557; WA #CL-167441; WV #ML-32946; WI #167441BA; WY 2467. 7.11.2014. Refinance or purchase a home at historically low mortgage rates! Ask about our no PMI and no closing costs programs! Contact George today for a free mortgage consulta on: 978.777.HOME (4663) | | save money. George Koutsos, VP/Branch Manager NMLS ID 29613 1077 OsgOOd st. NOrth ANdOver, MA 01845 www.butcherbOyMArket.cOM (978) 688-1511 Fresh Produce hot Meals-to-Go Wine craFt Beers Bakery deli oven ready Meals sPecialty Groceries Open 7 Days a Week your one-stop shop for meat & poultry Visit us Today! NOT Winnn - Best Jeans - 6 CCsecutive Yees

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