Northshore Magazine

May / June 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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137 ™ home garden leisure Shop Thousands of Products Online Ramadas Pergolas Cabanas CO N TAC T The Trustees of Reservations 137 Andover St. North Andover 978-682-3580 boarded up before the restoration began, but much of it was also buried. The pool had been filled in and topped with turf years before, and the courtyard space was covered with about three feet of sand and fill to allow construction equipment to drive over it during earlier phases of the restoration project. Finally, it was time to uncover what had been hidden for so long. "It was sort of an archaeological dig," Murray recalls. The work began with large equipment and culminated with hand tools, which were used to meticulously and carefully uncover the delicate details of the courtyard. The work revealed elements like 22,000 bricks, laid in a dynamic herringbone pattern and juxtaposed with white marble pavers. Now that the Casino complex restoration is complete, The Trustees are eager to open it up to visitors once more. "It's very much in the spirit of the place and what it was designed for," says Murray.

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