Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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144 Textile Arts Center for adult classes, outfitted with an array of looms and spinning wheels, as well as a large education room for children's projects and classes. The Textile Museum offers a variety of monthly op- tions—many classes take advantage of the museum's unique equipment, from spinning wheels for making yarn to large-scale looms for weaving custom fabric. "Whether a textile artist or someone who has never picked up a needle, these classes present the opportu- nity to learn a new skill or expand knowledge in a fun and supportive environment," Hirbour says. "Educa- tors explore the fundamentals of technique, design, and color while providing expert guidance to students as they create their own works, whether it's a knitter's colorful scarf or a weaver's beautiful tapestry." STEEPED IN HISTORY Lowell's pedigree as a textile hub makes it an ideal spot to learn about fiber arts, but people also travel from all over to immerse themselves in the North Shore's historic architecture—something residents often take for granted, notes Ken Turino, manager of community engagement and exhibitions for Historic New England. "People are blown away by the resources we have in in-depth LIVE follow your heart at last. Wear the badge. Feel the honor.™ Launching April 20, 2015 Historic New England offers a program in New England studies. Photograph courtesy of Historic New England