Northshore Magazine

May / June 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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160 Celebrity Forum 2015 M i d d l e s e x C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e Bedford • Lowell an evening with William Shatner Award-winning actor, producer, writer, recording artist, and philanthropist Thursday, June 11 at 8 p.m. • Lowell Memorial Auditorium For details, visit WWW.MIDDLESEX.MASS.EDU/CF15 Special thanks to The TJX Companies, Inc., Presenting Sponsor for all seventeen years! For information on how to become a Forum sponsor, call Dennis Malvers at 781-280-3514. Tickets may be purchased: By calling the Lowell Memorial Auditorium Box Office at 866-722-8881 or online at or in person at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium Box Office located at 50 East Merrimack Street, Lowell, MA. For group sales of 15 or more, Jocelyn Prieto at 978-934-5751 or email All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. Premier Seating - $65 • Standard Seating - $45 N o t e : P r i c e i n c l u d e s a m a n d a t o r y $ 2 r e s t o r a t i o n f e e c h a r g e d b y t h e L o w e l l M e m o r i a l A u d i t o r i u m . Tickets on sale NOW! "Today, we are all typesetters, and it depends how much we know," says Pickard. "We all have the ability to make stuff look better and more readable." Though MoP's mission is steeped in history, the mu- seum stays relevant by enabling contemporary artists, educators, and hobbyists to pursue their interests in a hands-on way. They are able to both use the equip- ment and purchase the museum's excess letterpress supplies. "A lot of the things we are doing now are art related," says Pickard. This year's offerings include a two-day workshop on printing and maintaining the Vandercook proof press. They also hope to have basic letterpress and intaglio workshops. Additionally, four type sales make available "everything letterpress." Pickard's enthusiasm for the museum's collections is contagious. "It's not just a bunch of old [fuddy- duddies] in here," he laughs. "There are artists and printers and educators." And they are drawing new volunteers all the time; two recent recruits are high school students—something that makes Pickard happy, knowing young people take an interest. "Printing is all around us," he notes. "It is part of our lives. It has helped create entire nations. People often walk away from the museum saying, 'This is really cool. I didn't know print- ing meant so much to us.'" in-depth LIVE CO N TAC T The Museum of Printing 800 Massachusetts Ave., North Andover 978-686-0450 TYPE TIDBITS A single page of type for a newspaper can weigh over 70 pounds. MoP's 1870 Ad - ams hand press appeared on PBS in the docu- mentary Rebel: Loreta Ve- lazquez, Secret Soldier of the American Civil War. Museum president Frank Romano played the printer. In 2009, PBS shot an episode of History De - tectives at MoP. Several months prior, someone discovered the 1939 intaglio plates used for Duke Elling - ton's "Take the A Train." The segment being filmed show- cased these plates. The original front page of the 1969 New York Times issue with the head - line "Men Walk on the Moon" and the result- ant printing cylinder are on display at MoP.

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