Northshore Magazine

May / June 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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166 | MAY + JUNE 2015 BY BETTE KEVA Beverly's old Cabot Theatre is catching its second wind. The pulse of The Cabot still beats. One of the longest running thea- tres in the United States—from its Vaudevillian birth until now—the famed Cabot Theatre in the heart of downtown Beverly is opening its doors, after a brief closing, to a vastly changed era. Thanks to pas- sionate North Shore residents and a core group of businessmen who refuse to see it shuttered, The Cabot lives on, so long as there is a com- munity to support it. The theatre has always been a place to behold. With its red carpet and 1920s-era balcony seats; its or- nate frescoes, murals, and gold leaf; and the 43-foot golden dome with bronze chandelier (hidden, but not for long), one cannot enter without being struck by its grandeur. It's no wonder emotions ran high when the theatre closed two years ago. After a 35-year run of Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company, owner Cesareo Encore! photographs by Robert Boyd in-depth LIVE The Cabot maintains many of its original architectural elements.

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