Northshore Magazine

May / June 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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Page 174 of 244

172 the spark that got the interested parties together. The group commissioned a feasibility study, which showed overwhelmingly that people on the North Shore were emotionally tied to The Cabot and to the memories at- tached to the place. "Who is going to build something of that caliber on the North Shore today?" asks Bertolon rhetorically. "It would cost $25 million to replicate. We have the ability to save it for $5 million. Over the next two years, we will build a performing arts center that can sustain itself. It's not a Beverly story. It's a North Shore story." The Cabot is a "sweet spot," which will have 850 seats when renovated, much more than most other venues in the region. "We think we can get national acts," he predicts. Architect Thad Siemasko says the first phase will include replacing seats on the first floor, restoring the 1960s-era marquee to a digital display with hanging letters, and installing a digital cinema projector for high-quality viewing. Other changes scheduled to occur during the three-year renovation period include the addition of 325 movable seats in front of the stage for dining. (Remove the seats and open the way for a dance in-depth LIVE Once fully renovated, the theatre will have 850 seats and a restored marquee. 1093 Osgood St., Rt. 125 North Andover, MA Butcher Boy Plaza 978-685-7770 Call To Schedule Your FREE Consultation & Design Session FROM TRADITIONAL TO CONTEMPORARY, WE HAVE YOUR STYLE. DESIGNED FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE 301 Newbury St. Danvers, MA 01923 (978) 774-9819 BIRD FOOD FEEDERS GARDEN ACCENTS UNIQUE GIFTS Treat them to a home as nice as your own!

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