Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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188 6 a.m. on a Friday in Haverhill, and Dana Marshall has already been awake for two hours. With veins full of caffeine and a head full of headlines, she breaks the morning silence by warming up her voice— uttering the vowels, changing her pitch from high to low—and sits in front of a microphone. All that's left to do is the same thing she's done off and on since she first came here 15 years ago: play the music she loves for a Greater Boston radio audience that's tuned its dial to 92.5 FM. Whether you know it by the place on the dial, its call letters (WXRV), or simply as The River, the station recalls an era before radio's dark days of consolidation and corporatization. Instead, it's an in- dependent 50,000-watt throwback whose tunes reflect the tastes of its music-junkie hosts and growing audience instead of demands from a boardroom, where you know real people are at the controls because Dana Marshall has been part of The River family for 15 years.