Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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50 | MAY + JUNE 2015 Whole Wheat BY ALEXANDRA PECCI Alprilla Farm in Essex is the North Shore's only source for locally grown grain. LIVE Alprilla Farm Page 50 // The Trustees' New App Page 54 // Cynthia Curtis Pottery Page 56 IN THIS ISSUE Don't get Noah Kellerman wrong: He loves vegetables. But when it comes to hunger—the kind that's churned up from a hard day's work—sometimes veggies just don't cut it. It's something he learned when he started farming as a "re- ally hungry teenager" at Appleton Farms in Ipswich, where he would find himself eating a whole loaf of bread at the end of a long day. "Salads are great and all. Vegeta- bles are awesome. But they don't fill you up," Kellerman says. So when it was time for him to start his business on Alprilla Farm in Essex in 2011, he knew he wanted to "grow some calories" along with the kale and collards. "It seemed like a missing link in our local food economy," he says. Many farmers plant wheat and other grains as soil-repairing cover crops. But wheat is a relatively low-value crop that requires spe- cialized equipment, so it's actually more cost-effective for farmers to simply mow it. But Kellerman was intent on filling that missing local food link, and instead of mowing Alprilla Farm supplies grain across the North Shore Photograph by Kazlouski Siarhei/Shutterstock