Northshore Magazine

May / June 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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56 | MAY + JUNE 2015 BY MARY GRAUERHOLZ Ceramicist Cynthia Curtis not only molds clay, but also opens eyes, minds, and hearts. Shape Maker As ceramicists know, clay has a life of its own. As much as an artist can consciously manipulate it, clay can exude an otherworldly spirit. Judy Bidwell of Gloucester has expe- rienced the phenomenon in the serene Rockport studio of Cynthia Curtis, where Bidwell is a longtime student. When the clay starts to guide the artist, Bidwell says, Cur- tis's extraordinary teaching skills come into play. One of Bidwell's most memorable experiences was when Curtis blindfolded her and other students at the pottery wheel to produce a pot in one minute. "I've always felt that clay has sort of a spirit of its own," Bidwell says. "Sometimes clay 'speaks' to me. Cynthia helps me take the piece forward or back to the origi- nal concept in such an encouraging LIVE

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