Northshore Magazine

May / June 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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74 | MAY + JUNE 2015 photographs by Anthony Pira BY CHARLOTTE ROTH By featuring local artists' works in her Melrose gift gallery, Lorrie DiCesare sends a message. Shop Works Hourglass Gift Gallery offers an eclectic selection of works by local artists. SHOP Located on Melrose's bustling Main Street, Hourglass Gift Gallery has everything one could want from a small, community-minded business: local and U.S.-made gifts and jewel- ry, fine art at every price point, and frequent opportunities for patrons to buy pieces that benefit local and national charities. Owner Lorrie DiCesare is some- thing of a jack-of-all-trades: "I've always had my hand in something artistic," she explains. After work- ing in the insurance business for over 20 years and creating jewelry to fulfill her creative side, DiCesare felt it was time to turn her passion for art into a career. "I've always loved making art and buying art," she says. "But I'm also entrepre- neurial by nature. I thought that a small shop where we showcased local artists and products would be exactly what Melrose needed." The shop's first location opened in 1996, then moved to its current Main Street location in 1999. DiCesare's focus is the artists. "I'm constantly looking for new artists, locally and nationwide," she explains. "I also go to juried art shows—partly because I enjoy them, and partly to see new artists' work and get ideas for the shop. Each new artist adds something different—I don't want any artist's work to compete with the others." DiCesare has created a cohesive space where different styles and talents can be showcased. "We have about 15 fine artists in the store," she says. Local artists Tracy Levesque of Lowell, Debra Cor - bett of Melrose, and Diane Sawler McLaughlin of Saugus all frequent- ly show their work at Hourglass. "We're also a popular destina- tion for cards," says DiCesare. Pen and ink artist Eli Helman, based in Easthampton, creates intricate, one-of-a-kind cards that draw customers. "Often people will come in for cards, and leave with a piece of art they didn't even know they needed," notes DiCesare. The shop's bath products, textiles, two candle lines—Root Candles and ReWined—and functional pottery from four different potters all reflect the store motto: "For the home, body, and soul." Jewelry constitutes about three- quarters of the store's sales, and it's easy to see why. As a jeweler,

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