
Issue 74

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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Page 30 of 47

7 31 Issue 74 / 2015 DNB April 18/04/2015 The Bug, DuB Phizix, Mala & Channel One SOunD SySTeM @KOKO 21:00-03:00 £19.50 18/04/2015 FaTBaCK ReCORDS PReSenTS BReaKage, Benny Page, JehST, + Many MORe @BRixTOn JaMM 22:00-04:00 £15 24/04/2015 FaBRiClive: Playaz lTJ BuKeM, MaRCuS inTalex & ingReDienTS @FaBRiC 23:00-07:00 £19 25/04/2015 SiMulaTiOn1 - PaRaDOx (live), lOnDOn MODulaR & DeFeKT (live), anSOMe (live) @nuMBeR3lOnDOn 21:30-05:00 £10 25/04/2015 RanDOM COnCePT & BReaKin SCienCe: The WaRehOuSe PaRTy '15 @gSS WaRehOuSe 21:00-06:00 £23 30/04/2015 ROuTe 1 auDiO - MulTi BaSS genRe evenT @SilveR BulleT 22:00-04:00 FRee MAY 01/05/2015 FaBRiClive: gOlDie, DillinJa & FaBRiClive 81: MOnKi launCh @FaBRiC 23:00-07:00 £19 01/05/2015 nuRTuReD BeaTz x PROxiMiTy @Plan B 22:00-05:00 £8 01/05/2015 ThTC - Re:gROW PaRTy @eleCTRiC BRixTOn 22:00-06:00 £10 02/05/2015 RenegaDe haRDWaRe - 20Th anniveRSaRy PT.2 @eleCTRiC BRixTOn 22:00-08:00 £18 02/05/2015 CuRiOSiTy PReSenTS.. The legenDaRy MC DeT'S OFFiCial BiRThDay BaSh @FiRe 22:00-06:00 £17 03/05/2015 PuRe OlD SKOOl: gRanT nelSOn, FaBiO & gROOveRiDeR, MaTT JaM laMOnT + MORe @egg 16:00-07:00 £8 08/05/2015 25 yeaRS OF FaBiO & gROOveRiDeR @The FORuM 22:00-06:00 £24 09/05/2015 STiCKy & WilD WeST PReSenT ShaBBa D'S BiRThDay ShOWCaSe SPeCial @SCala 22:00-06:00 £20 09/05/2015 liquiD v - BaSeMenT FunK @Plan B 22:00-05:00 £6 15/05/2015 ShuT ThaT Sh*T DOWn - SuMMeR SeaSOn - PaRT 2 @quBe PROJeCT 23:00-06:00 £5 15/05/2015 uniTeD COlOuRS OF Jungle 'On FiRe TOnighT' @uniOn 22:00-06:00 £15 15/05/2015 KaPOW!! leT iT ROll... @RhyThM FaCTORy 22:00-06:00 £10 16/05/2015 PuRPle @CluB 414 22:00-08;00 £4 DNB PARTY LISTINGS

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