
Summer 2015 Turf Trends

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Summer 2015 - 81 www.turftrends.com it's a more natural look. There's a shift toward that, but if you drove neighborhoods I don't think you'd really see it. It's not something that you'd immediately recognize. But that's the reason we began to grow a couple of varieties of native California grasses that will be suitable for sod and people are going for that—that natural or meadow look at least on a portion of their landscaping—maybe not all of it but a portion of it." Farming family Dargatz joined Superior Sod after Considine reached out for help with one of his satellite grow locations. "For 12 years I was managing a neighboring sod farm in Tehachapi and moved to the 'greener' side of the fence," he said. "I went to work for him and then moved down to Corona when that satellite location closed." He's been general manager for 17 months. "My turf grass career began in 1998, but I have been farming since 1972," Dargatz said. "I was born into a farm family in the California San Joaquin Valley in 1952. I had my own row crop company for nine years and have been in turf production for 17 years. "I had the opportunity after closing my own farming business to go to work for a sod company

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