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4 Issue 75 / 2015 GUESTLIST Newsflash laughiNg gas baNNed at glasto No balloons allowed at Worthy Farm this year because they leave a right mess Organisers have become so concerned about the effects that laughing gas is having - noise pollution, litter and emission of N20 gas - on the festival's sacred Stone Circle and surrounding King's Meadow, that balloons are banned from the site. 2 tonnes of used canisters were picked up from the farm last year. 'are You beach bodY readY?' ads removed Controversial ad has been banned by advertising watchdog The Protein World ads have attracted a wave of criticism from body-positive supporters, and now the Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that the ads can't reappear in their current form due to concerns over the health claims made in the advert, so we no longer have to look at them on the way to work. sNake is comiNg to smartphoNes The original – and best – mobile phone game is back Candy Crush and Angry Birds can do one, because we're finally able to play Snake again, the single best thing Nokia ever made. Snake Rewind will have ten levels with special music, visuals and effects, whilst retaining the iconic elements of the original. Smartphone Snake for the win. Clearly The X Factor and Britain's Got Talent aren't quite shovelling enough shit music into our lives because Simon Cowell's DJ talent competition is actually happening. The mogul has teamed up with Yahoo and Ultra Records to bring Ultimate DJ to the world, whether we want it or not. Entrants will be competing for a deal with Sony Music and a headline slot at a major music festival. The programme will be broadcast on Yahoo Live with voting taking place via Tumblr. Fatboy Slim was one of the figures approached to "judge" the contest, but swiftly turned it down saying, "As dance music gets taken over by people like Cowell it becomes about being famous and money, the nasty side which I think for years it was relatively free of. Kids grow up thinking to be a DJ, you've got to be sexy and bling…it's not about that." You tell him Norm. Defending the project on Twitter (you'd better get used to doing that mate), Cowell said, "The show is intended to showcase the incredible talent that electronic music has shown the world. It will be made with respect." The fact that EDM cake fiend Steve Aoki will be a judge….well, it's just going to be awful isn't it? simoN cowell's dJ taleNt show is officiallY a thiNg Cowell's latest talent competition, Ultimate DJ, is going ahead. stoNer's to-do list goes viral Murdoch Police found the list during a burglary investigation and decided to tweet out their find with the caption "Are your Saturdays hectic like this!!!" The ten tasks on the list include "get bus fare", "go get lunch (chips & gravy)", "go home & get a stick" and "chop up & get stoned". No surprise about the last one there. The tweet got a big response from Aussies, many of whom believe that marijuana should be legalised. The police may be taking the piss of this pothead, but we say big ups to this guy or gal for trying to get their shit in order. Police in Western Australia get an insight into the mind of smoker Follow @guestlistdotnet