
issue 75

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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31 Issue 75 / 2015 HOUSE/ tEcHnO may 22/05/2015 dOP (Live) + BOdhi + Cera aLBa + rOOm 2: the mangO CLuB + KOnstantin (giegLing) @XOYO 21:00-04:00 £13.50 23/05/2015 red Light disCO - tiger & WOOds + hOrse meat disCO rOOf PartY @the PrinCe Of WaLes 15:00-05:00 £15.50 23/05/2015 derriCK Carter, WiLL sauL, JimPster & manueL tur Live @faBriC 23:00-08:00 £21 24/05/2015 seretsundaze daY & night BanK hOLidaY: martYn, deLanO smith, JeremY undergrOund, fLOrian KuPfer @studiO 338 14:00-06:00 £19.50 24/05/2015 etOn messY @XOYO 16:00-04:00 £13.50 24/05/2015 WetYOurseLf! BanK hOLidaY sPeCiaL W. m.a.n.d.Y & dJ W!Ld @faBriC 23:00-08:00 £10 24/05/2015 LWe Presents: 2020visiOn daY / night: suBB-an, raLPh LaWsOn, PBr streetgang @the WiCK Cr8 Centre 14:00-02:00 £10 29/05/2015 Bugged Out! miss Kittin + gardens Of gOd + matriXXman @XOYO 21:00-04:00 £12.50 29/05/2015 tesseLLate With marCeLLus Pittman & hnnY @COrsiCa studiOs 22:00-06:00 £12.50 30/05/2015 BenJi B Presents deviatiOn: a retrOsPeCtive @XOYO 21:00-04:00 £13.50 30/05/2015 KranKBrOther Present daY and night terraCe PartY @tBa 16:00-06:00 £15 30/05/2015 sOnJa mOOnear, efdemin, LuKe sLater & trunCate @faBriC 23:00-08:00 £20 30/05/2015 shOreBitCh, it's Ya BirthdaY @sCaLa 22:00-06:00 £15 JUNE 05/06/2015 James zaBieLa + KidnaP Kid + KrY WOLf + KiWi + rOOm 2: musiC remedY @XOYO 21:00-04:00 £13.50 05/06/2015 Jamie XX in COLOur tOur @st JOhn at haCKneY 22:00-04:00 06/06/2015 fieLd daY OffiCiaL after PartY - JOhn taLaBOt, LeOn vYnehaLL, shanti CeLeste, vOLte-faCe & mOre @OvaL sPaCe 22:30-06:00 £14.50 06/06/2015 dJ aLfredO...uP On the rOOf / get diverted & sLide With mauriCe fuLtOn after darK @the PrinCe Of WaLes 15:00-04:00 £12 06/06/2015 eats everYthing, maXXi sOundsYstem , sKream & dense & PiKa @faBriC 23:00-08:00 £19 HOUSE party liStingS for more listings go to

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