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7 9 Issue 75 / 2015 GUESTLIST Ryan GoslinG finally eats ceReal Gosling films tribute to late vine creator Ryan McHenry Back in 2013 Scottish filmmaker Ryan McHenry created one of the all time greatest memes, 'Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal'. His vines featured various scenes of Gosling followed by McHenry's spoonful of cereal slowly approaching the screen. Following the announcement that McHenry had lost his battle with cancer, Gosling paid tribute in the perfect way, by creating a vine of his own in which he finally eats that spoonful of cereal. 102-yeaR-old sees heRself dance foR the fiRst time Back in her prime, 102-year-old Alice Barker was a renowned chorus line dancer who performed in venues like The Apollo and Cotton Club. Despite her numerous TV and film appearances during the 1930s and 40s, she had never actually seen herself on film. When she was presented with clips discovered by David Shuff and Mark Cantor of jazz-on-, she said she wished she were able to get out of bed and do it all over again. cocaine found in BeRlin Bananas. aGain. A stash worth more than €15million turned up in boxes of Aldi bananas tweeteR of the month: KaytRanada Not only does Kaytranada post tune after tune but he drops some truth bombs on his timeline too: He knows a banging tune OK music first. Obviously as a DJ and producer you'd expect Kaytra to know about music, but he revealed just what a music don he is with this tweet - "can't believe I dropped that 'Come Clean' Hilary Duff. That's my shit." I mean, there's really nothing more to say. But he's not only about the music Kaytranada is a man of many talents, one of which would appear to be video games, as he tweeted "Mortal Kombat x ass whooping". Yeah we wouldn't wanna mess with you on this one. He takes no shit Especially from people with poor spelling. Obviously one or two of his followers can't quite seem to grasp his name, causing him to tweet, "since yall muthafuckas can't spell my name right, I'm gonna switch my name to KAYTRANDA", and follow up with, "lol jk, it's like yall misspelling CANADA, get it together if yall fuckin with me". He remembers a simpler time Before emojis, before iMessage, before WhatsApp, Kaytra remembers the good old days, "remember those animation shit on msn messenger and there was this dude that was farting from his bald head". It was the best of times. He knows the true story of Coachella Forget the Instagrams, forget the Twitpics, forget the fashion magazines, Kaytranada has Coachella style down in three words, "YOU LOOK DUSTY". Follow @KAYTRANADA for more realness. And tunes, lots of tunes. This month's top tweeter is Kaytranada, the self-designated "time decorator", which is actually a really cool way to describe a musician when you think about it. Props for that Staff at 14 Aldi stores across Berlin found the drugs tucked inside banana boxes from Colombia. As police spokesman Stefan Redlich stated, "Apparently there was a logistical mistake somewhere along the line". The 386-kilo shipment is the biggest single coke haul in Berlin's history, but unbelievably, this is the second time cocaine has been found in Aldi bananas – in January 2014, staff found 140kg of coke in with the fruit. A heart-warming video, the ultimate #TBT, has been making the rounds on the web