SCORE Journal Issue 5

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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SCORE 101 W ith the ability to to reel in competitors and challenge for the overall race win, Class 1 cars are one of the most exciting and popular vehicles in the World Desert Racing Championship Racing Series. SCORE rules for Class 1 declare it an unlimited open four-wheel single, or two-seat vehicle. No production vehicle bodies are allowed and the engine regardless of size or power must be normally aspirated. Meaning no supercharger or turbochargers are permitted. Engine placement may be located at the rear or mid- vehicle, making it one of the more versatile race vehicles on the course. While the engine, suspension, and chassis design are wide open for building the ultimate desert race vehicle, the one thing that all Class 1 vehicles have in common, is that they must run a transaxle drivetrain configuration with independent rear suspension. In the past, Class 1 vehicles SCORE101 CLASS 1 VEHICLES, THE ULTIMATE DESERT RACING MACHINE? CLASS 1 BY RICK SHANDLEY MATT KARTOZIAN 070 SCORE JOURNAL

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