SCORE Journal Issue 5

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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A SECOND BY DAN SANCHEZ PHOTOS ICON MEDIA W hen Rory Ward came across this DirTrix DT2 race car, it had been long since retired from racing and was being used as a hunting/recreational vehicle in northern Nebraska. Back in the '80's Class 1 and Class 2 Unlimited Race Cars were some of the fastest and most advanced vehicles racing across the desert. These were some of the vehicles that, as a young sportsman desert racer, inspired Ward as he saw them fly across the terrain and brought admiration for not only the drivers, but also the capabilities of the vehicles at that time. His love for these off-road race cars was one of the reasons why Ward took on the purchase and restoration of the Mickey Thompson Challenger IV car, which had made a big splash in the off-road racing scene after Ward had painstakingly restored it. So when he came across the DirTrix DT2, he liked the car but wasn't immediately interested in building it. "A friend of mine was looking to find another vehicle to buy and restore," says Ward. "I wasn't ever really interested in the car." Ward's friend sent images of the buggy and wanted the wheels and tires for himself, and that's why he really wanted Ward to purchase it. After his friend egged him on to put in an offer, Ward gave a ridiculously low bid, figuring the owner would never accept it. A few days later, the buggy was making its way from Nebraska to his shop in Arizona. After some research Ward found out that the vehicle is a 1984 DirTrix DT2 chassis, built by Glenn Evans out of Phoenix, AZ. The buggy was originally built for Mark Lundell, who used to race in several desert racing series, including Rory Ward Finds And Restores a 1984 DirTrix DT2 Class 2 Unlimited Race Car CHANCE 052 SCORE JOURNAL

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