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7 11 Issue 76 / 2015 GUESTLIST TweeTer of The monTh: ArTwork Duck lAnes Special lanes for our feathered friends have been sprayed along towpaths The Canal & River Trust has sprayed special duck lanes on towpaths in London, Birmingham and Manchester to remind us that ducks like to stroll along canals too. The initiative, which is part of the Share the Space, Drop your Pace campaign, is designed to encourage awareness of the wildlife around our waterways. So if you're down by the canal, keep to your side or you'll have the ducks to answer to. BriTAin's olDesT mAn celeBrATes BirThDAy wiTh whisky Nazar Singh recently turned 111 years old Born in 1904, Mr Singh grew up in Punjab, India before moving to England in 1965, and he has nine children, 34 grandchildren and 64 great-grandchildren. He is in remarkable health, having just got over an infection, which he toasted with a pint and a whisky. Mr Singh puts his long life down to plenty of sleep and a healthy lifestyle – lots of fruit, almond oil, and of course, whisky. richArD BlAckwooD cAn'T zesT A lemon On Channel 4's Sunday Brunch, where guests help out with the cooking, Blackwood showed he's no orthodox chef. Asked for some zest, he proceeded to slice the lemon, before cutting in half and trying to zest the juicy inside. "You want the outside?!" was his response was told he wasn't getting it quite right. Incredible scenes. The EastEnders star clearly doesn't know his way around a kitchen weirD AnD wonDerful The dubstep pioneer, one- third of Magnetic Man and big Twitter fan manages to squeeze hilarious social observations into 140 characters or less "@ProfBrianCox you know the super hadron collider...have they ever had to 'switch it off and turn it back on again'?" - Artwork's not all about the music you know, he's clearly got a keen interest in science and technology. "Went to buy trainers...They are the same shoes as 15 years apart from colours. Is that it, they're not making any new ones forever?" - He's a dapper man and not afraid to call out the fashion industry. "Fucking lol at EDM stages. When I was a kid you just did drugs to see that stuff around a dj" - He gets straight to the heart of the great EDM debate. "I know on a global scale this may not be up there, but I just dropped half an avocado with mayonnaise in it on the kitchen floor" - Artwork may be a big time DJ and producer but he suffers as we all do. RIP avocado. "I am starting a cellar at my house of Nitros years to come these will be like fine wine" - He's an enterprising fellow who won't let a little laughing gas ban get in the way of a business opportunity. "Just got locked in possibly the longest 'after you', 'no after you' exchange in history! Of course I won, I will out polite you, you prick!" - What fabulous manners and etiquette! "Just as a side not, I worked in a petrol station as a young man and sold petrol to the blonde one off of Status Quo. He was a twat" - He may run in famous circles now but he's always had celeb stories that are on point. Follow @artworkmagnetic for more witty social commentary.