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7 21 Issue 76 / 2015 TECHNOLOGY live streaming apps periscope Acquired by Twitter for $100millon (yikes!), this is probably the most popular live streaming app out there right now. David Cameron used it for his broadcast from Number 10 following the election, and the Rolling Stones used it to broadcast their recent secret LA show. On the inspiration behind the app, the Periscope team said, "It may sound crazy, but we wanted to build the closest thing to teleportation. While there are many ways to discover events and places, we realised there is no better way to experience a place right now than through live video. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but live video can take you someplace and show you around." You need a Twitter account to use Periscope, but after downloading the app you can live stream to anyone online, as well as having the option to lock a broadcast so that only certain people are able to view it. Periscope also allows you to send alerts to your Twitter followers, who can comment on your streams and send you "hearts". How cute. The more hearts you get, the higher you climb on Periscope's "most loved" rankings, increasing the exposure of your broadcasts. The app also saves your video streams for 24 hours, so if you get a hankering to watch that cat video back, you can. outcast Outcast is one of the newer kids on the block in live streaming terms. With this app you can live stream videos that are 15 seconds long – think elements of Periscope and Meerkat combined with the video functions of Vine and Instagram. We're not sure how much useful information you'd be able to transmit in 15 seconds, but who are we to judge? And the kids these days have such short attention spans, so it might actually take off. You can like or dislike broadcasts but users can't follow each other, so everyone gets the same potential audience. Seems fair to us. Live streaming seems to be the hottest thing in tech right now. Seriously, anyone who's anyone is doing it, so we've decided to jump on the bandwagon and showcase the best live streaming apps on the market ustream We're back on more familiar live streaming territory with Ustream – no 15-second vids here. With this app you can broadcast and watch live, as well as interact with your live audience. There is one big difference to the other apps we've covered - with Ustream you can upload pre-recorded videos to the app, so if you've got a particularly hilarious video lurking on your phone, it can get out there to the masses. Ustream also allows you to schedule and manage upcoming events using the nifty Ustream Channels feature, so you won't miss a thing. meerkat Meerkat launched around the same time as Periscope, and although it may have been overtaken by the other app, it's still extremely popular – Jared Leto and Madonna are both Meerkatters, and who wouldn't want to be a part of that club? Like Periscope, the app also links to your Twitter account, and you can comment on and like videos. Meerkat also gives you the option to schedule broadcasts for a later date. Unlike Periscope, your Meerkat videos disappear once the broadcast has ended, although you can save streams to your phone, so they're not really gone forever.