Pasadena Magazine


Pasadena Magazine is the bi-monthly magazine of Pasadena and its surrounding areas – the diverse, historically rich and culturally vibrant region that includes Glendale, the Eastside of Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley all the way to Claremont.

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Page 43 of 115

David Soter Senior Investment Management Consultant Senior Vice President Wealth Advisor 300 Esplanade Dr , 10th Fl Oxnard, CA 93036 805-278-3617 © 2013 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. GP11-01075P-N07/11 7177431 SEG001 10/12 You're in charge of many things. Including your future. You know your life and your future are really up to you. And no matter how busy you are day-to-day, you have to build your wealth, plan for your retirement and manage your investments for the future. As your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor, I can help you keep control of your financial picture. Working together, we can evaluate your current portfolio and your goals, and adjust your investments. Meet with me to learn more. Let's keep you in charge of tomorrow. David Soter Senior Investment Management Consultant Senior Vice President Wealth Advisor 300 Esplanade Dr , 10th Fl Oxnard, CA 93036 805-278-3617 © 2013 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. GP11-01075P-N07/11 7177431 SEG001 10/12 You're in charge of many things. Including your future. You know your life and your future are really up to you. And no matter how busy you are day-to-day, you have to build your wealth, plan for your retirement and manage your investments for the future. As your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor, I can help you keep control of your financial picture. Working together, we can evaluate your current portfolio and your goals, and adjust your investments. Meet with me to learn more. Let's keep you in charge of tomorrow.

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