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106 FROM THE ROUGH spots began to shrink," Piller said. "It's hard to measure the improvement with a percentage, but many of the areas we struggled with every summer that required hand watering disappeared. With fewer areas to cover with a hand watering team, Piller felt that they were able to keep up with hand watering, something that wasn't normally the case. The next measure of validation for Piller and his crew occurred last summer. "During one of the driest and hottest seasons on record, we ended up saving an average 80,000 gallons of water per night…that's 2.4 million gallons of water over the course of a month," Piller said. BIG BENEFITS Sustainability helped sum up Piller's perception of Magnation. "My definition of sustainability is implementing programs that are self-sustaining," he said. "A wetting agent approach or an acid injection approach is not self-sustaining, because that is something that requires continuous funding to purchase the inputs. With Magnation, it's a one- time cost, a tremendous return on investment, and you receive those benefits for 10-to-15 years." Piller said that Cordova Bay recovered the cost of their mainline Magnation units for both courses in just three months. "An 8-inch Magnation unit is just over $8,000, so in our first season using it, it was paid for," he said. "We reduced our wetting agent and fertility inputs by 25 percent. We reduced our hand watering, and we reduced the amount of water we needed to purchase from the municipality by 15 percent." www.rainlikewater.com WATER SYSTEMS

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