SCORE Journal Issue 4 - 2016

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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BY DAN SANCHEZ PHOTOS BY GETSOMEPHOTO TOUGH COMPANY BFGOODRICH TIRE CELEBRATES ITS 40TH ANNIVERSARY WITH SCORE INTERNATIONAL F orty years of testing and development in Baja says something about a tire company, especially one that has a history of the most race wins and championships in SCORE International desert racing. Within that time, BFGoodrich has accumulated 27 overall wins at the SCORE Baja 1000, and 86 overall wins on the Baja peninsula. Over the years, BFGoodrich's relationship and history with SCORE International have been much more than a means to test tires. The company's engineers, marketing team, and many employees have helped hundreds of people become addicted to desert racing, resulting in the development of numerous SCORE champions along the way. O F F I C I A L S P O N S O R BFG WON ITS FIRST SCORE BAJA 1000 OVERALL WIN IN 1986, WITH MARK MCMILLIN AND RALPH PAXTON RUNNING RADIAL ALL-TERRAIN T/AS. 010 SCORE JOURNAL

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