
Issue 40 - 2012

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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Issue 40 / 2012 THE GUESTLIST NETWORK 11 7 BROKEN FINGAZ GRAFFITI CREW Armed with spray cans and no inhibitions, this Israeli street crew have been let loose on the streets of London. Broken Fingaz Crew are from Israel and they're up to big things. Our nightmares are their dreams. Not only that, but, as fate would have it, exhibition , Crazy Eye Hotel , was in The Old Truman Brewery on London's Brick Lane - the very same place this paper is coming to life from! Unga even left us a piece round the corner. The other three members, Kip, Deso and Tant have also done a lot of wall work in London. their latest Accomplished designers, they wear their own shoes, like Snoop Dogg, except for the fact that Broken Fingaz actually make them themselves. Essentially street, Broken Fingaz have illustrators and dubstep djs such as Flux Pavillion and Bar9. I saw their video online months ago, and back then I didn't get hooked on the art as much as I did on the soundtrack by Haiku D'Etat, an alternative hip-hop group you should check out. Only after playing it five times did I notice the level of spray skill these guys possess. Urban-psychedelic also done artwork for Broken Fingaz Crew's work is filled with symbolism and pulp in nature, Check out more art at culture also inspired by comic books and advertising - which is great unless the industry eventually sucks them in, as it sadly does to so many brilliant creatives. Irony is references. They are style, which delivers a message touching on social issues, just as many contemporary artists choose to do. Imagery sick enough to attract attention, backed by a dark sense of humour, makes this crew's identity stand out on the scene. The use of oriental motifs alludes to the turmoil in the geographical region they come from, political common throughout their welcome nowadays. With a laid back approach and a taste for bright colour, the four are quickly becoming awareness exhibitions all over, but still taking time to do outdoor work. As someone who thinks that street art might just be the only pure visual art form left, I'm enjoying it wherever I see it! Hopefully it will stay that way. popular, opening is always and

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