
Issue 40 - 2012

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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Issue 40 / 2012 RELESS FESTIVAL xpect a show stopping s the three day festival, worth splashing out on. ts hope its here to stay. in the outdoor festival FESTIVAL @ Hyde Park, London music extravaganza is back again with a The atmosphere of the festival, set in the beautiful Hyde Park among the Olympic and Jubilee celebrations is not to be missed. With our fingers crossed for some beautiful sunshine, there couldn't be a better backdrop for this three day party. 17 7 WIN £60 FESTIVAL CAMPING KIT All we need you to do is sign up to our newsletter. The QR will take you straight to the registration page or visit and click on Register tab at the top of the page. SZIGET FESTIVAL 6-13 August @ Budapest In August, the Hungarian Sziget festival, winner of the 'Best Major Festival Award', is Europe's G-spot. Tens of thousands from all over Europe combine holiday with pleasure and come to Budapest to enjoy sunshine, sight-seeing and 24/7 parties on the huge festival island. Although the festival is a party city on its own, clubs in the city host special parties before, after and during the festival. Line-up: The Stone Roses, Two Door Cinema Club, Magnetic Man, The Vaccines, Friendly Fires, Crystal Fighters , Placebo and many others. WIN

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